Attorney General Jeff Sessions takes a much tougher view on the border than even President Flip-Flop Trump.
While speaking with local and national law enforcement in Boston on Thursday, Sessions did not mince his words.
Sessions zeroed in on the transnational gangs like MS-13, from Central America. The gang exploits a program known as the “unaccompanied refugee minors” program to recruit new members for their gang.
The attorney general said the Department of Justice is working with the departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to “examine the unaccompanied minors issue and the exploitation of this program by the gang members who come to this country as wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
The program was developed in the 1980s to assist with thousands of children in Southeast Asia without parents, according to the Department for Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement. Since 1980, more than 13,000 children have entered the unaccompanied refugee minors program.
Based on the program, former President Obama threw open the gates for minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, after tens of thousands made their way across the border on his watch.
Sessions went on to drop some righteous fire about MS-13.
“This is America. We will not allow the likes of MS-13 or any other gang to prey upon our communities, to decapitate individuals with machetes, baseball bats and chains,” Sessions said.
He vowed to “not concede a single block or street corner” to MS-13’s “vicious tactics.”
“All law-abiding individuals must be free to walk down any street without fear of being hacked with a machete just because they don’t don the white and blue of the Mara,” Sessions said, referring to another name for MS-13: “Mara Salvatrucha.”
And where Trump rolled over on plans for a border wall, once he got cozy with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Sessions is holding firm on the importance of security that border.
“Securing our border, both through a physical wall and with the brave men and women of the Border Patrol, and restoring an orderly and lawful system of immigration is part and parcel of this anti-gang strategy,” he said.
I personally believe strategic fencing, boots on the ground, and drones scanning the length of the border, 24/7 is the answer, but good for Attorney General Sessions for his real talk on the issue of border security.
The post Attorney General Jeff Sessions Is Still Pushing the Wall That Trump Has Abandoned appeared first on RedState.