Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” former Trump deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka argued for the candidacy of former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who is up against Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in a GOP primary runoff for U.S. Senate special election. Gorka noted that Steven Law, the president and CEO of the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that has invested heavily in the Alabama Senate race, had gotten a “yellow belly” by refusing to appear with Gorka on the Fox News Channel program. That he said was indicative of the so-called establishment’s fear of a Moore victory next week. “I’m supporting his agenda,” Gorka said. “This isn’t about who the president has endorsed with great pressure from Mitch McConnell. And let’s be accurate about what happened tonight – I was told Steve Law, who runs Mitch McConnell’s PAC for this race actually accepted [an invitation] to come on this show and when he heard I was coming on, he got a yellow belly and just ran. So, that tells you the establishment is afraid of the president’s agenda winning in Alabama on Tuesday.” Host Bret Baier asked Gorka about
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Gorka: Roy Moore Victory Strengthens Trump — McConnell-Backed SLF’s Steven Law a ‘Yellow Belly’