
In the Wake of Sonic Attacks on U.S. Citizens in Cuba, Marco Rubio Issues BLISTERING Rebuke

- September 29, 2017

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, is upset, and rightfully so.

After an announcement on Friday that the U.S. would be withdrawing a significant amount of personnel from Havana, due to a sonic attack that resulted in the illness of around 20 American diplomats, Senator Rubio wants to know why Castro gets to keep his people in the U.S.?

In a statement, Rubio blasted the Castro regime:

“In light of these harmful attacks against American diplomatic personnel in Cuba, it is weak, unacceptable and outrageous for the U.S. State Department to allow Raul Castro to keep as many of his operatives in the U.S. as he wants,” Rubio, who is the son of Cuban immigrants, said in a statement.

“The State Department must conduct its own investigation independent of the Castro regime and submit a comprehensive report to Congress. Until those responsible for these attacks are brought to justice, the U.S. should immediately expel an equal number of Cuban operatives, downgrade the U.S. embassy in Havana to an interests section, and consider re-listing Cuba as a state sponsor of terror,” he continued.

The State Department has ordered around 60 percent of its personnel and their families at the U.S. Embassy in Havana to vacate, after the mysterious attack caused illness ranging from hearing loss to brain damage.

A skeleton crew of workers will be left in Havana, in order to deal with any emergencies U.S. citizens may have.

Senator Rubio also dropped a Twitter rant, to express his anger.

You can read more about the attacks in a piece from Sarah Lee, posted here.

The post In the Wake of Sonic Attacks on U.S. Citizens in Cuba, Marco Rubio Issues BLISTERING Rebuke appeared first on RedState.


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