
Maxine Waters Pushes Trump Impeachment – DURING EULOGY! “We’re Gonna Take Back the House Slaves Built” (VIDEO)

- September 20, 2017

Every time Maxine Waters opens that big mouth of hers, she calls for Trump’s impeachment–even during a eulogy! 


Democrat hack Auntie Maxine is off her meds again.

Maxine Waters (D-CA) went off on President Trump during a eulogy at comedian Dick Gregory’s funeral on Saturday.

“I’m cleaning out the White House!” Waters began to loud cheers.

Waters called Trump a ‘dishonorable human being’ and referred to the President as “this person” several times to applause.

She also referred to the White House as “the house that slaves built” and of course brought up the KKK, “This dishonorable human being who has the alt-right, and the KKK and everybody else inside his Cabinet!”

Maxine Waters also said that her deceased friend would “probably” say Trump colluded with the Russians. Seriously?

“I’m gonna say impeach 45 everyday! Impeach 45 everyday! Impeach 45 everyday!”

Maxine Waters is a worthless politician who lives in a $4 million house outside of her district after years of accomplishing absolutely NOTHING. An investigation should be launched into her decades of corruption.

Video via The American Mirror:

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