
Texas Town Official Offers to Take Discarded and Unwanted Confederate Statues

- September 21, 2017

Gordy Bunch, The Woodlands Township Board Chairman, offered to take discarded and unwanted Confederate statues for his community.

Bunch said The Woodlands could put the historic statues in a museum in the upscale community.

Liberal Democrats want to remove all American statues related to the Confederacy or slavery including the removal of Jefferson and Washington monuments.

This is the new Democrat Party where fascism rules.

FOX News reported:

Suddenly removed or unwanted Confederate statues and monuments might find a new home in the Woodlands, Texas, after a town leader offered to accept them.

Gordy Bunch, the Woodlands Township Board Chairman, said Tuesday that his town — located near Houston — could take the statues that are being taken down across the U.S., arguing that the statues would enrich his otherwise new town’s sense of history.

“What’s happening across the state and across the country is ridiculous regarding eliminating history,” Bunch told a gathering of the Texas Patriot PAC, sparking applause from around 60 people, the Houston Chronicle reported.

“We don’t have a lot of history here in the Woodlands because we’re only 42, 43 years old. For all these folks in Dallas, in Austin and San Antonio and other places looking to relocate their history, might I suggest they can take those assets over here.”

The post Texas Town Official Offers to Take Discarded and Unwanted Confederate Statues appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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