
Al Sharpton: Jerry Jones Has a ‘Plantation Kind of Mentality’

- Oktober 12, 2017
Al Sharpton
Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network host Al Sharpton compared owner and general manager of the Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones to slave owners for saying he would discipline players who kneeled during the National Anthem. Sharpton said, “So you have an all-white league of owners making the decisions. Now, you put that with the fact that Jerry Jones takes a knee one day in the name of unity, but says I’m going to bench you if you take a knee. That’s a plantation kind of mentality. So you can bend on your knee with me, and if I’m writing the script on which you get on your knee for, but don’t you dare bend your knee by yourselves, boys, and think for yourself. Why is he on his knee if a knee should take you out of the game? Jones was on his knee, talking about unity.” (h/t Grabien) Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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