Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Tim Kaine (R-VA), the 2016 Democratic vice-presidential nominee, spoke out about the reported sexual harassment allegations aimed at Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. Kaine was asked about his former running mate Hillary Clinton’s silence on Weinstein and argued that “any leader,” regardless of political affiliation, should condemn his alleged behavior. Partial transcript as follows: CAMEROTA: Hillary Clinton spoke for 90 minutes last night in California. But she didn’t mention Harvey Weinstein. Why not? KAINE: Look, you know, Alisyn, I’m nobody’s press secretary. I’m a U.S. senator and I’m telling you that sexual harassment is unacceptable. And I really think it’s low-life behavior. Hillary Clinton speaks out against sexual harassment, often. And I’m sure she’ll have a word to say when the time is right for her. But I don’t — you know, I’m not — I’m not anybody’s press secretary. (CROSSTALK) CAMEROTA: But you would recommend that she do that, that she — ? KAINE: Any leader, any leader should condemn this. I mean, I have a 22-year-old daughter who is starting off, you know, in the work world. And I — when you read the stories about young women feeling pressured by somebody in
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Dem Sen Kaine on Harvey Weinstein: ‘Any Leader Should Condemn’ His ‘Low-Life Behavior’