Thursday on his syndicated radio show, talk show host Hugh Hewitt asked for Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) reaction to reports that former FBI Director James Comey may have prematurely drafted a memo exonerating Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, for any alleged wrongdoing regarding her use of an unauthorized email server. The memo was drafted two months before the FBI’s final determined about the server used by Clinton while secretary of state. Johnson was asked by Hewitt if the way the investigation was conducted could have contradicted Comey’s testimony before a U.S. Senate committee and potentially meant Comey perjured himself. Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of HEWITT: What about the Comey letter, the May memo before the July decision? Does that give you qualms, Senator Johnson? JOHNSON: Absolutely. My committee is trying to get the unredacted testimony from those FBI agents to get more information. There’s a number of committees trying to get to the truth on that as well. HEWITT: Last question, do you believe that the existence of that draft memo undermines Jim Comey’s testimony to the extent that it might go into question its truthfulness before the Senate? JOHNSON: Yes, I always thought the investigation into
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GOP Sen Johnson on Former FBI Director Comey Having Perjured Himself: ‘He Might Be in Trouble’