
Las Vegas Police Present Third Shooting Timeline as Confusion Turns to Anger (VIDEO)

- Oktober 15, 2017


Las Vegas investigators presented a third version of the shooting timeline this week, as confusion surrounding the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history is fermenting into anger.

In a Friday press conference, Sheriff Joe Lombardo fought back against claims that there is a conspiracy between the FBI, between LVMPD and the MGM,” to withhold information. Lombardo blasted reports that the Las Vegas police department and the FBI were operating in an incompetent manner.

“”There is no conspiracy between the FBI, between LVMPD & MGM — & nobody is attempting to hide anything referenced [in] this investigation,” said the Sheriff.

Later in the press conference, the FBI told the press that massive amounts of evidence have been collected in the shooting probe.

News.au reports:

LAS Vegas police presented a third version of the timeline of events for the Las Vegas gunman who killed 58 people and himself, saying they responded immediately to the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, who oversees the Las Vegas police department, told reporters that gunman Stephen Paddock shot at Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos outside his room about the same time he opened fire on the more than 20,000 concertgoers at an outdoor venue.

Previously, police said that Paddock shot Campos six minutes before he started firing on the crowd, raising questions as to whether police and hotel security could have acted faster to prevent casualties in the attack.

“In the public space, the word ‘incompetent’ has been brought forward,” Lombardo said. “I am absolutely offended with that characterization.”

“Nobody is attempting to hide anything. The dynamics and the size of the investigation require us to go through voluminous amounts of information in order to draw an accurate picture,” he said of the changing timeline on Friday.

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft published a painstakingly thorough timeline of the Las Vegas shooting.  On October 2nd most Americans woke up to the headlines that a shooter had killed dozens of concertgoers in Las Vegas the night before on the evening of October 1st.

Americans were getting videos from the horror on the night of the Las Vegas shooting.   A defiant concertgoer was recorded daring the shooter.  A police scanner recording captured the moment the police entered killer Paddock ‘s hotel room and another video showed the crowd singing “God Bless America” moments before the shooting.

A woman celebrating her 21st birthday was recorded after the horror as saying that she was warned of the shooting by a stranger before the shots broke out.

On the 2nd we also found out that the police found bomb making materials in the killer’s car.

Also, various celebrities and politicians attacked gun owners and ISIS claimed for a 2nd time that the killer was one of theirs.

At a news conference on Tuesday, October 3rd, Investigators said they found five handguns, two shotguns and a “plethora of ammunition” and electronics. The killer’s house was being treated as a potential crime scene.

It was reported on the 3rd that the gunman Paddock once worked for the Federal Government in the IRS.

It was also reported that the gunman’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, was scheduled to land in the US that night (the 3rd) and was reportedly considered a person of interest especially after the gunman wired $100,000 to her in the Philippines.

On the 3rd photos were leaked out from inside the killer’s hotel room.

On Wednesday, October 4th, it was reported that the killer Paddock targeted massive aviation fuel tanks near the concert during his rampage.  It was also reported that evidence showed that Paddock planned to escape and that Paddock was living a secret life.

On the 4th the sisters of the Las Vegas Gunman’s girlfriend said that she “was sent away” before the shooting and the whereabouts of their sister, Marilou Danley, who was then being interrogated by the FBI was unknown.

On the 4th we also found out that a Mandalay Bay server posted receipts on Facebook that showed that 2 people were served food in Paddock’s room.  Also, an employee of the Mandalay Bay was quoted as saying that Paddock held the room since September 25th not the 28th as was previously reported by the authorities.

It was also reported that Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock was prescribed 50 diazepam tablets in June. Diazepam is a controlled substance and can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination.

A former CIA Operative stated that the Vegas massacre was shaping up to be a deliberate act of terror by a killer who was politically motivated.

It was reported on the 4th that Paddock’s girlfriend supposedly had two social security numbers but after several hours this was proven to be false.

Also on the 4th it was reported that cell phone footage dispelled the idea that a second gunman was on the 4th floor.  But it was also reported that Paddock shot through his door at an unarmed Jesus Campos the security guard who approached Paddock’s hotel room and radioed for help after being shot.

It was noted at the press conference on the 4th, that the FBI provided no information and scolded those listening for expecting the FBI to follow every little Twitter feed.

This lack of information along with corrupt actions by former FBI Heads Comey and Mueller only encouraged Americans to suspect unethical actions on the part of the FBI in the investigation.

Video was released on the 4th showing the FBI sneaking killer Paddock’s girlfriend out of LAX on a wheelchair after she entered the US from her Asian trip. She was apparently interrogated by the FBI but we have no information on what was said during this interrogation or her current whereabouts.

On Thursday the 5th, former Milwaukee Sheriff, David Clarke said that he has been in law enforcement for nearly 40 years and he’s suspicious about everything surrounding the Vegas shooter because of the lack of public engagement.

On the 5th it was reported that officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said that Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock purchased 33 guns in the last year since October 2016. It also was reported that a $600 rifle Paddock purchased on his way to Vegas was missing.

On the 5th, Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock issued a statement on the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Danley called the massacre an ‘awful event,’ while affirming her love for ‘kind, caring’ Paddock.

On the 5th a body language expert revealed that it was her opinion that the Las Vegas killer’s brother knows more than he is saying.

ISIS on the 5th tripled down and reported that Paddock was a convert.

It was also reported on the 5th that Paddock had plans to do something similar in Chicago.

Also, a video of Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock was uncovered from 2011 showing him after falling down at a casino.

On Friday the 6th, investigative reporter, Laura Loomer reported that sources are telling her Mandalay Bay employees saw Paddock on the evening of September 29th with a “young Asian woman”.

On the 6th, Marilou Danley, Paddock’s reported girlfriend was accused of lying. Neighbors of Paddock said that she moved all her belongings out of the killer’s house in August.

Also on the 6th, Loomer reported that parking tickets showed Stephen Paddock was at Mandalay Bay on September 25th – three days before the Feds said he arrived.

On the 6th it was also reported that someone accessed Paddock’s room after his car had left the garage and that a phone charger was found in his room that did not match any of the cell phones that belonged to Stephen Paddock.  Police later reported that all phone chargers found in the room were related to Paddock’s many phones.

Also on the 6th it was reported that Paddock had previously visited the Middle East and that a Chicago hotel manager revealed an previous encounter with an “Aggressive” Stephen Paddock.

Also in their weekly message published on the 6th, ISIS again claimed ties with Paddock.

On Saturday October 7th, Eric Paddock, Stephen Paddock’s brother, reportedly traveled to Las Vegas where he was interviewed by the FBI — for a second time.  The FBI spent five hours interviewing Eric Paddock late Saturday night into Sunday morning.

On the 7th it was reported that a note was found in Paddock’s room with cryptic numbers on it.  The police finally reported that the notes left in Paddock’s room were aiming calculations.

On the 7th it was also reported that, “Investigators have uncovered video footage from a home-surveillance system that shows Stephen Paddock driving alone to an area on the outskirts of Mesquite, Nev. where locals go for target practice. The footage shows Paddock heading to the area on the Friday before the attack, the official said.”

Also on the 7th, it was reported that waiters at Mandalay Bay said they heard Stephen Paddock “speaking with others” in his room while ordering food. But the FBI apparently says he was faking that discussion(?)

On Sunday the 8th it was reported that “200-plus casino or wire transactions by Paddock were flagged for review by FinCEN, the U.S. government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, which collects data to identify potential money laundering or covert terrorism financing.”

On the 8th a prostitute alleged that Paddock had bizarre sex fantasies.

On Monday, October 9th it was reported that Stephen Paddock’s home was broken into over the weekend.

This same day conflicting reports were released about killer Stephen Paddock’s drinking habits.  The casino said he never reportedly drank while at the casino for the past six years while others reported that Paddock had a severe drinking habit.

On Monday at a press conference, in a significant timeline change, Sheriff Lombardo revealed that the Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos, was shot BEFORE the Las Vegas attack started.

Also at this presser, it was reported that the killer was drilling in his room before the shootings.

On Tuesday the 10th it was reported that the current Head of the FBI in Las Vegas, Aaron Rouse, was appointed by former FBI Head and now admitted leaker James Comey, leading to questions about the validity of the investigation.

On Tuesday a terror expert warned that ISIS still may have proof that it was behind the October 1st attack.

In a statement released late Tuesday, October 10th, MGM Resorts International disputed Sheriff Joe Lombardo’s revised timeline of the October 1st mass shooting on the Strip.

On October 10th, SPFPA member Jesus Campos accepted his “SPFPA Hero Award” for bravery in the line of duty.  As a result we finally have photos of the Mandalay Bay security guard who, like Paddock, has no online profile.

On Wednesday, October 11th, conservative icon Ann Coulter releases her column noting that there is no way the killer, Paddock could make a living playing video poker and suggests it’s more plausible that he was laundering money from illegal gun sales.  To this day we don’t really know definitively how Paddock made his money.

On Wednesday, October 11th, reporter Laura Loomer visited Campos home and made this statement:

One day after I exclusively reported that Campos was scrubbed from the official MGM employee profile database ‘WorkDay,’ I decided to track him down and attempt to speak to him at his home in Las Vegas,” Loomer explained. “When I arrived, an armed security guard was standing in front of Campos’s house. The guard, who identified himself as Troy Goff, said he works for a company called ‘On Scene’ that has been hired out to provide Campos with armed security protection.”

According to Loomer and fellow journalist Mike Tokes, On Scene is at best a dubious security company whose license expired in January.

On Thursday, October 12th, Jesus Campos skipped an interview on Sean Hannity’s Show at the last minute as well as other shows.

On the 12th it is also reported that no one by the name of Jesus Campos is registered with the state of Nevada on its Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) database.

Also on Thursday, MGM resorts released a statement with ANOTHER timeline change claiming Campos was shot at the same time as or within 40 seconds after he first reported shots were fired.

On Friday the 13thphotos of Campos finally appear but his whereabouts are now unknown.  Also, it is reported that his family is now under a gag order.

On Friday, the Las Vegas Police and FBI hold another press conference and refuse entry to conservative investigative reporters Laura Loomer and Mike Tokes.

At the presser Sheriff Lombardo reports that, “We know that shots were being fired at the festival at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

Also on Friday MGM Resorts reportedly hired a Crisis Management Firm as they finally see that the investigation is a mess.

As of Friday evening October 13th there was still no motive reported for the mass murder and many questions remain unanswered.

The investigation itself is developing into the second tragedy of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay massacre.

The post Las Vegas Police Present Third Shooting Timeline as Confusion Turns to Anger (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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