Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher closed the episode with an attack on Democrats for proposed legislation that would require auto manufacturers to install a signal that would remind drivers they left kids in their back seat. The so-called Hot Cars Act of 2017, a bill sponsored by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), drew Maher’s ire. “[I]t’s called the Hot Cars Act because ‘turn around, dipshit’ was too on-the-nose?” Maher said. “But if someone’s too high to remember their kid, you think they’re going to see a little yellow light? There were over 17 million new cars sold in America last year. Are we really going to require them all to install sensors, the cost of which will be passed on to the consumer, to prevent something that is less likely than being struck be lightning? And should reminding you not to forget your baby really be Toyota’s problem?” Maher said these efforts hurt Democrats because it takes their focus off of bigger problems and rewards Republicans. “[A]ll this will accomplish is to feed into the Republican message that Democrats don’t want to help people — they just want to micromanage their lives,” he said. “It makes people hate us. It makes me
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Maher Rips Dems for Over-Regulation: Feeds Into GOP Message Dems Don’t Want to Help — They Want to ‘Micromanage Their Lives’