
Sec. Mattis Confirms NBC’s Trump/Nuclear Arsenal Report Is Fake News

- Oktober 11, 2017

Too funny.
President Trump pounded the #FakeNews media again on Wednesday – this time singling out fake NBC.

NBC ran the shocking story on Wednesday morning saying Trump wanted a ten-fold increase in the US nuclear arsenal.

The story was complete rubbish!

Does anyone really think Trump wants a 10-fold increase in nukes?
Good grief!

It took President Trump less than two hours to destroy the liberal news outlet.

Trump just put NBC into the CNN category of “very fake news.”

Trump: Fake @NBCNews made up a story that I wanted a “tenfold” increase in our U.S. nuclear arsenal. Pure fiction, made up to demean. NBC = CNN!

Then Trump threatened the station with their licensing for pushing fake news!

Trump: With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

Now Sec. of Defense James Mattis confirms the report is fake news.

“Sec. of Defense Mattis issues statement saying reports Pres. Trump called for increase in nuclear arsenal are “absolutely false,” says Mattis.

President Trump told ABC News’ Jon Karl that NBC’s report was fake.

“”I never discussed” increasing nuclear arsenal…”totally unnecessary,” said President Trump.

The post Sec. Mattis Confirms NBC’s Trump/Nuclear Arsenal Report Is Fake News appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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