
Tillerson Declines to Deny He Called Trump a Moron

- Oktober 15, 2017
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson set off on Thursday for Beijing for talks with senior Chinese leaders
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Secretary of State Rex  Tillerson declines to deny he called President Donald Trump a moron. When first asked by host Jake Tapper, Tillerson answered, “As I indicated earlier when I was asked about that, I’m not going to deal with that kind of petty stuff.” Tapper pressed the issues saying,”Ever since you called it petty, I’ve been thinking a lot about it because I’m a reflective guy and I understand the media makes mistakes and the media can always improve. But here’s the thing, either you didn’t say it, and there are a the press you did, and that’s a series problem. Or you did say it, and you’re a serious guy —for you to say that expresses a real frustration with the commander-in-chief. When you don’t answer the question, it makes people think you probably did say it. Either way, whatever happened, it is serious. So, can you please clear it up?” Tillerson said, “As I said, Jake, I’m not playing. These are the games of Washington. These are the destructive games of this town. They’re not helpful to anyone. So, my position on it is, I’m not playing. I’m not playing.

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