
Wayne Allyn Root: VEGAS STRONG

- Oktober 06, 2017

By Wayne Allyn Root

The story of the year is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history right here in Vegas. But the real story of the year should be the remarkable reaction to this terrible, heinous act of terror.




At this moment, we don’t know why the mass murderer committed this atrocious crime. We may never know.

But there are several troubling aspects to this case.

Was the killer involved with Islamic terror? From the first minutes of the attack, I noted it had every hallmark of previous ISIS attacks. I also pointed out immediately that there were two tragic lone wolf terror attacks in France and Canada earlier on that same day. Coincidence, or pattern?

Liberal critics called me crazy, racist, and “fake news.” But then something shocking happened. ISIS claimed responsibility. Not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. They’ve never done that before. ISIS also claimed the shooter converted to Islam. They even claimed to have given him an Islamic name.

Despite what the FBI says publicly, Islamic terrorism has got to be considered as a motive in this case. Evidently the Sheriff of Clark County (Las Vegas) Joe Lombardo agrees this is a serious possibility. He said only days ago that the shooter “may have been radicalized.”

On the other hand, the shooter may have simply been an insane and psychotic criminal (just like his bank robber father).

He may have been another radical, deranged, liberal, antifa, Trump-hater. Just like the Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to assassinate the GOP Congressional baseball team in Alexandria, Virginia earlier this year. Afterall, look at the target he chose. He decided to attack a country music festival filled with white conservatives and Christians. Even a CNN reporter pointed out the target was overwhelmingly pro Trump.

And then there’s one more possibility that cannot be excluded. Is it possible he was not the only shooter? That he was a patsy set up to take the fall- like a modern day Lee Harvey Oswald. How do we know he committed suicide? Who was the witness? Maybe he was killed by his co-conspirators, who funded and planned the entire intricate operation, leaving him as the fall guy.

Breaking news supporters this theory. My trusted friend has heard from the Mandalay Bay casino host who handled the High Roller turned mass murderer. The killer won $100,000 at Mandalay on Friday. He immediately used the money to pay off his marker (debt) to the casino. He paid off the casino, instead of partying all weekend with strippers, hookers and showgirls. Really? Does that sound like a man planning to kill himself within 48 hours? He sure was the most responsible and disciplined mass murderer ever. To me, he sounds like a guy who enjoys the High Roller life and paid off his debt so he’d be welcomed back to Mandalay Bay soon. The killer expected to get away with his crime.

There are other problems with the story. A retired 64-year-old accountant, with no military training, woke up one day and became Rambo? He must have had help pulling off this complex and heinous crime. Once again the Sheriff of Las Vegas admitted he agreed with this theory only 24 hours ago.

Then there’s the girlfriend. She was sleeping with a combination of Rambo and Charles Manson and never suspected a thing? Sure, and I believe in flying dogs. Why did she leave the country conveniently before the shooting? Why did the killer wire her $100,000 only days ago? Could she have terrorist ties? She just happened to be in the Philippines- where ISIS sister organizations are highly active.

And how about the money trail? In the days before this attack, my financial guru has informed me that gun manufacturing stocks went dramatically up, while MGM Resorts (the parent company of Mandalay Bay) went down- both on unusually heavy volume. It’s almost as if a large terror group knew this was coming. Someone made a fortune. That’s a previous terrorist M.O. from 9/11.

But let’s put all that aside. What really matters now is our reaction as a community. I call it “VEGAS STRONG.”

Like the amazing 8-hour lines filled with Vegas residents donating blood. The Go Fund Me account that has already raised over $9 million for the victims. Dana White and the UFC donating $1 million to the victims. The Fertitta brothers and Station casinos donating $1 million.

And then there are the First Responders. Amazing. They are the model for “VEGAS STRONG.”

Keep in mind while the shooter turned out to be a lone wolf and there was only one target (the concert outside Mandalay Bay) that was not initial picture facing police. I was in direct contact with police sources, first responders and UMC Trauma doctors from the start. I know the initial diagnosis.

Every cop in this town believed (as did I) that we were facing a coordinated Islamic terror attack. The first reports described multiple shooters at multiple properties. It described a mass casualty scene at Mandalay. While the media was reporting 2 dead for hours into the night, I heard from my sources at the scene that there were dozens of dead and over 100 wounded. Every Vegas cop knew that.

The initial reports described terrorists loose at Bellagio, Tropicana, NYNY, Luxor and MGM. To any sane person with common sense, knowing about the terror attacks earlier in the day in France and Canada…knowing about the ISIS terror attack on the Arianna Grande concert…knowing about the ISIS attack at the Paris theatre…this appeared to be the real thing. Terror cells loose on the Vegas Strip.

There appears to have been only one shooter, one property. But no cop knew that at the time. And yet they raced to the Strip, ready to face an army of crazed terrorists. While the rest of Vegas ran for our lives, or sheltered in place, our Vegas cops raced towards what they thought was a casino-to-casino street battle with heavily-armed terrorists.

Not one cop backed down. Every one of them raced towards the sounds of machine gun fire, towards what appeared to be another 9-11 terror attack at multiple Strip casino properties. Many cops and off-duty cops saved lives at the country music concert killing field, while bullets whisked past them. They were willing to sacrifice their lives to keep us safe. Amazing.

Our Vegas police are heroes. Our cops, firemen, paramedics and UMC Trauma surgeons are the bravest and best Vegas has to offer. Thank you to our First Responders from the people of Vegas.


The post Wayne Allyn Root: VEGAS STRONG appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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