
Awful. George H and George W Bush Are “Worried” Trump is Blowing the GOP

- November 04, 2017

During Barack Obama’s disastrous eight years of lies, failed policies and criminal behavior the Bush family remained silent.

But now that there is a populist Republican in the White House George H. and George W. can’t stop yapping their mouths.

According to The New York Times the two former presidents are reportedly worried that President Trump is blowing up the GOP that they created.

Maybe somebody needs to remind “W” that he gave America Barack Obama and Democrat super-majorities in Congress.

Via The New York Times:

President Trump is not a favorite in the extended Bush household. Former President George Bush considers him a “blowhard,” only interested in feeding his own ego. Former President George W. Bush, his son, thinks Mr. Trump fans public anger and came to office without any understanding of the job.

And both worry that Mr. Trump has blown up a Republican Party that they spent two lifetimes building, a party that was once committed to removing boundaries to trade and immigration, promoting democracy and civil society and asserting a robust American leadership role in the world, according to an author who has interviewed them.

A new book on the two Bushes who served in the White House provides a glance at their apprehension over Mr. Trump’s rise to power and what it means for the country. The first book ever written with their cooperation about their relationship, it also opens a window into the only father-and-son tandem to hold the presidency since John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

The Bush family is starting to embarrass themselves at this point.

The Democrat party is currently in its worst shape since the Great Depression.
Trump is doing just fine, boys.

The post Awful. George H and George W Bush Are “Worried” Trump is Blowing the GOP appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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