The Democrat Party is in shambles after losing over one-thousand seats around the country under former President Obama. President Trump’s stunning victory last November made the Democrat Party’s situation even more precarious. Yet, according to former Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon, both events are recoverable — what’s not — is the degree to which identity politics has infected the Party.
Breibert News reports:
Stephen K. Bannon believes that the Democratic Party’s obsession with identity politics will ultimately backfire against them. In fact, he believes this has broken the party to such a degree that it will never recover.
[…]Bannon, with the whiteboard in his office and his eagerness to check off Trump campaign promises as accomplished, took the brunt of the blame for the administration moving too quickly. But he says the uproar had its upside: It helped create “the resistance” that Bannon believes thoroughly delegitimizes the Democratic Party with average voters it needs to win elections. He claimed he knew the outrage was coming, and that the Left had fallen into a trap. “The Left bit on it, and created the resistance, and it blew up, and now it’s part of the political movement,” Bannon said. “It’s what’s broken the Democratic Party.”
“Bannon’s belief that the Democratic Party’s addiction to divisive identity politics may succeed in stirring up much noise on the fringes, but that this very tactic will work against them among the very same minority groups they are using to cause an uprising,” writes Bannon: Always the Rebel author Keith Koffler.
How enshrined is identity politics in the Democrat Party? The latest example is a secretive Democrat donor and activist conference set to be held in California. The conference is a place for progressives to meet and share goals and discuss issues of common interest. A copy of the conference agenda was leaked to the Washington Free Beacon who reported on it today. Pelosi will headline the event along with George Soros.
As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft’s makes clear, the weekend agenda are centered around two things.
— Democrats want to spread their far left California values of open borders, Socialism and identity politics across the US
— And white men are no longer valued or welcome in today’s Democrat Party.
The post BANNON: ‘One Thing Has Forever Broken the Democrat Party’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.