
DEMOCRAT PRIVILEGE=> Al Franken Plans to Return to Senate Monday Despite Photographic Evidence of Sexual Assault

- November 26, 2017

Serial sexual harasser, Democrat Al Franken broke his silence on Sunday and said he will be returning to the Senate Monday to work.

There is photographic evidence of Al Franken sexually assaulting a woman while she’s asleep, yet Franken refuses to resign. Must be nice to have that Democrat privilege!

The Washington Examiner reported:

“I’m embarrassed and ashamed. I’ve let a lot of people down and I’m hoping I can make it up to them and gradually regain their trust,” Franken, D-Minn., said in a phone call with Minnesota media outlets. “I’m looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow.”

On Sunday, he denied the allegations against him, as he has from the outset.

He said he has posed for “tens of thousands of photos” and does not remember any that ended with him inappropriately touching women, as several have alleged.

“I don’t remember these photographs, I don’t,” he said. “This is not something I would intentionally do.”

Franken said he has been “thinking about how that could happen and I just recognize that I need to be more careful and a lot more sensitive in these situations.”

Both Conyers and Franken deny sexual assault allegations against them and continue to defiantly dig in their heels, refusing to resign.

There is ample evidence to back up sexual assault claims against both dirty Democrat lawmakers. They should both resign in disgrace.

The post DEMOCRAT PRIVILEGE=> Al Franken Plans to Return to Senate Monday Despite Photographic Evidence of Sexual Assault appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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