
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Defends Bill Clinton Against Impeachment Over Sexual Harassment Suit

- November 26, 2017

The political world is in shock over Nancy Pelosi’s reprehensible defense of alleged sexual harasser and fellow Democrat, Rep. John Coyners on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sunday morning. 

Pelosi called the embattled Congressman an “icon.”

When “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd asked Pelosi if she believed the allegations against Conyers, she had this to say, “I don’t know who they are. Do you? They have not really come forward. And that gets to…Well, that’s for the Ethics Committee to review. But I believe he understands what is at stake here and he will do the right thing. But all of these non-disclosure agreements have to go. By the way, some of them are there to protect the victim because they didn’t want some of it to be public. But that’s over. In other words, if the victim wants to be private, she can be…he or she can be.”

In the same segment, Todd played Pelosi a flashback clip of her defending former President Bill Clinton against the impeachment process stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Arkansas state employee Paula Jones.

Below is a transcript of the exchange between host Tim Russert and Pelosi in 1998.

RUSSERT: “Why the silence when their have been these allegations, serious ones about President Clinton?

PELOSI: “Well, I’d like to say that I think that the women of America are speaking out about, uh, what they think about this whole situation. The women of America are just like other Americans, in that, they value fairness, the value privacy, and do not want to see a person with uncontrolled power, uncontrolled time, uncontrolled, uh, unlimited money, uh, investigation the President of the United States.

Pelosi has always defended alleged sexual harassers — as long as they as members of the Democrat Party.

Gee, doesn’t sound like Pelosi is describing Special Counsel Robert Mueller?

The post FLASHBACK VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Defends Bill Clinton Against Impeachment Over Sexual Harassment Suit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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