What could go wrong?
The U.K.’s 107-year-old version of Girl Scouts, Girl Guides, has advised group leaders to allow boys who identify as girls to use the same bathroom facilities (including showers and changing rooms) as biological girls.
This goes for any member of Girl Guides, which ranges in ages from 5 to 25.
Girlguiding’s official guidance instructs guide leaders to allow members who were born male but now identify as female to share changing rooms, toilets and sleeping quarters with girls when away on excursions.
Why? Because “the use of gendered facilities,” including showers, toilets and changing rooms, “can cause anxiety”.
Of course, if an actual 8 or 15-year-old girl doesn’t want to shower or change in the same room as a 9 or 16-year-old with a penis, that’s her problem. The girls who have anxiety about sharing facilities which are inherently a place of vulnerability are now made to request separate facilities…but it’s not guaranteed they’ll get them.
“If a young person doesn’t feel comfortable sharing accommodation, for whatever reason, we encourage them to talk to their leader about alternative accommodation and facilities.”
Parents won’t have to worry beforehand, however. Girl Guides also advised that informing parents that a trans person will be at a “residential event” is not “best practice.”
So now an organization parents have sent their girls to for a century and feeling it is a safe place for their young girls now have no ability to protect them from possible trauma or experience a child or teen is unprepared for.
At least one government official has seen how misguided the new policy is:
Conservative MP for Monmouth in South Wales David Davies provided an ounce of logic to the insanity, blasting the trans move by the organization.
“If transgender girls who are physically male are going to be sharing facilities, it’s going to make some girls threatened and uncomfortable and the Guides shouldn’t be doing that,” he said.
Girl Guides is filled with girls at vulnerable stages of life, including adolescence and emerging adulthood. We have yet to truly understand the psychology of gender dysphoria, but I think it’s safe to say throwing boys and girls together in showers isn’t societal best practice either.
Sacrificing the mental and physical well-being of children at the altar of political correctness when there’s nothing to show it’s a healthy practice is absurd.
The post Girl Guides To Allow Trans Girls To Shower With Kids As Young As 5 appeared first on RedState.