
Judge Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fall Apart

- November 23, 2017

It looks like the flimsy 38-year-old allegations against Judge Roy Moore are falling apart.

In fact it looks like EVERY SINGLE DETAIL in Gloria Allred’s accuser allegations against Roy Moore have been debunked.
Beverly Nelson was not telling the truth.

And Alabama voters are paying attention.
Roy Moore now leads ultra-liberal Doug Jones by at least 6 points in several polls this week.
And President Trump gave him the nod on Tuesday on the way to Mar-a-Lago.

And now this…

Judge Roy Moore told reporters this week he is considering pressing charges against one or more of the women who accused him of sexual misconduct 38 years ago.

NBC News reported:

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is considering legal action against one or more of the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct, he said Tuesday night.

Moore, the Republican nominee to replace U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Senate in a Dec. 12 special election, has strongly denied all accusations that he inappropriately approached or accosted woman, some of them who were underage at the time of the alleged incidents.

Asked about some of his accusers in an interview Tuesday night with controversial conservative radio talk show host Scott Beason on Alabama Cable Network, Moore repeated: “I don’t know them. I’ve never spoken to them, and certainly I didn’t do anything to them.”

Moore has previously threatened to sue The Washington Post, which first reported the allegations against him, and Alabama Media Group, which publishes The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and the Press-Register of Mobile.

Roy Moore’s wife Kayla hinted earlier that the Moores may also press charges against the far left Washington Post.

The post Judge Roy Moore Weighs Legal Action Against Accusers As Allegations Fall Apart appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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