
NYPD Shows Up At A Hospital To Intimidate A Rape Victim

- November 24, 2017

A large group of New York Police Department officers showed up at a New York hospital in an effort to intimidate an 18 year old rape victim. The girl, Anna Chambers, had accused two other officers of rape, and she was getting a rape kit done at the time.

The girl’s lawyer, Michael David, told the New York Post about the incident, which occurred back in September.

At one point, the cop allegedly turned to Chambers and insisted, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The cop was among about nine officers from the 60th Precinct to show up at the hospital, which had reported the allegation to police, David said.

The young woman said she was raped by Brooklyn South narcotics Detectives Richard Hall and Eddie Martins in the back seat of their police van while she was handcuffed — and accused both men of forcing her to perform oral sex after she was arrested for possessing drugs.

Hall, 33, and Martins, 37, admitted having sex with her while on the job but claimed it was consensual. They pleaded not guilty last month to a 50-count indictment.

Facing ouster from the NYPD, the two detectives resigned from the department in November. They are currently free on bail.

It doesn’t stop there, either. The story gets worse.

“Anna said [the officer] was trying to manipulate a rubber band over his name tag, so she couldn’t see who it was,” David said.

He then became adamant that Chambers and her mom got their story wrong, and at one point nearly chased the mom into the women’s bathroom, the lawyer claims.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. Your daughter doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” the officer allegedly said.

“I know what cops look like,” Chambers shouted back. “They had guns, there were handcuffs, and the police radio was on.

There is, however, a happy ending here: The rape kit provided genetic material that was a match to the two accused cops.


DNA from Martins and Hall matched genetic material recovered from Chambers in the rape kit, sources have said.

David said he intends to add the aggressive officer from the hospital to the $50 million notice of claim Chambers has filed against the city, and report the incident to the Civilian Complaint Review Board.

This story is the same as every other sexual assault story we’ve seen in recent weeks – men with power feel they are above the rules and they take what they want. When they are found out, they deny while they try to cover it up. They aggressively fight to save themselves, trying to discredit anyone who threatens the power they have.

They are the exact opposite type of people who should be cops, but we see more and more stories of people like this who are cops.

Don’t get me wrong, though. This isn’t a smear of all cops. We know that news reporting on cops virtually always goes after the worst of the worst. We rarely see the positive stories of cops doing extraordinary things.

But, this type of situation is becoming more and more visible across the spectrum of power, from Hollywood’s elite to lawmakers to law enforcement. We have a cultural problem, and we have to find a cultural solution.

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