After pictures of Al Franken grabbing a sleeping female reporter’s breasts surfaced, the Minnesota Senator’s job has been in dire straights. To his credit, Franken has asked for an ethics committee to come together and investigate him, but that seems to have done little to gain favor with his constituents.
In a poll conducted by KTSP and Survey USA, between 600 Minnestoans, more of them want him to leave office than they want him to stay:
In a poll conducted Monday night after allegations from a second woman were made public, only 22 percent of 600 Minnesotans surveyed said he should remain in office. Another 33 percent say he should resign, while 36 percent say he should wait for results of a Senate Ethics Committee investigation. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4.1 percent.
“To me the striking findings in this poll are first, that only 22 percent are behind Al Franken staying in office,” Carleton College Political Scientist Steven Schier said.
What’s more, should he remain in office, more believe that he’d be ineffective at 37 percent, while 32 percent say that he would still be effective.
Despite the side disfavoring Franken outweighing the side that backs him, most Minnesotans overall want to wait to make their decision till after the senate ethics hearing is complete.
Regardless, Franken’s overall approval in his state is 36 percent, which is only five points higher than Trump, and a whopping 17 points down from where he was last year according to KSTP.
KSTP/SURVEYUSA: Just 22 percent say Sen. Franken should remain in office. 33% say he should resign…36% wait for results of Senate Ethics Committee. His approval rating in MN now just 36%, only 5 points higher than President Trump.
— Tom Hauser (@thauserkstp) November 22, 2017
New tonight: Minnesota Senator Al Franken’s approval numbers have plummeted in MN since he’s been accused twice of sexual misconduct/harassment. He’s at just 36% down 17 points from almost exactly a year ago. * Survey USA Poll
— Lindsey Brown (@LBrownKSTP) November 22, 2017
Franken is definitely down, but he’s not out. His survival may hinge on the results of ethics committee investigation. Should it conclude with him looking favorably, the undecideds may return to Franken’s camp, boosting his numbers and helping him keep his job.
However, Franken currently has the social wave of anti-sexual impropriety working against him, and he may be done no matter what he does.
The post Poll: Minnesota Wants Al Franken Gone More than it Wants Him to Stay appeared first on RedState.