
Top DC Lawyer: Democrat Conyers Would Meet Me in His Capitol Hill Office in His Underwear

- November 23, 2017

Melanie Sloan and Rep. John Conyers

Creepy Democrat John Conyers met attorney Melanie Sloan in his underwear in his office… on Capitol Hill.

The Hill reported:

A high-profile ethics lawyer based in Washington, D.C., says Rep. John Conyers Jr. summoned her to his office where the Michigan Democrat was in his underwear during her time as minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee.

Melanie Sloan, who formerly headed Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and worked for Conyers from 1995 to 1998, told The Washington Post on Wednesday that Conyers asked her to come to his Rayburn Building office at one point, where she found him in his underwear.

“I was pretty taken aback to see my boss half-dressed,” she said. “I turned on my heel and I left.”

Sloan added that Conyers’ behavior toward her was inappropriate and abusive, but she told the Post that she didn’t believe she was sexually harassed by him.

“There was nothing I could do to stop it,” Sloan told the Post. “Not going to leadership, not going to my boss, not going to a women’s group, not going to a reporter. I was dismissed and told I must be mentally unstable.”

The post Top DC Lawyer: Democrat Conyers Would Meet Me in His Capitol Hill Office in His Underwear appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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