If a woman protests in the forest does anybody hear her?
A ribbon, a wrist band, a hashtag – these days your protest is meaningless if it doesn’t have an accessory.
This awards season the outrage-du-jour is the revelation that Hollywood is full of scumbag rapists and sexual harassers. Thanks, Harvey! Sure, it was an open secret forever. Sure, many of the most powerful men and women laughed it off and looked away for decades. But now their shame has leaked past the golden gates of tinsel town and seeped into “regular” America where we don’t really think that kind of stuff is normal.
What do you do if you’ve been outed as a greedy, selfish hypocrite who can’t stop their constant moralizing to flyover America? You start a protest and find an appropriate accessory, of course!
Meryl Streep – the most accomplished actress in Hollywood who knew everything and did nothing – has decided to accessorize her moral superiority by wearing black to the Golden Globes as a silent protest against Hollywood sexual misconduct. The idea seems to be taking hold and the Globes seem to be shaping up to be a monotone affair.
But one actress is not having any of it. Rose McGowan isn’t letting Streep off the hook and went on a Twitter rant to show her displeasure.
“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly and affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.”
Weinstein’s fashion designer wife is a designer for Marchesa.
Actress Amber Tamblyn hit back at McGowan’s criticism on Twitter, saying:
THREAD: Rose McGowan is a friend and while I support her kind of movement, I do not support any woman (or man) shaming or taunting the movements of other women who are trying to create change. Telling us to all wear Marchesa? This is beneath you, Rose.
You don’t have to support and stand with us, but we stand and support you. You may take below the belt shots at us but we will not take them at you in return.
I stand with McGowan on this one. Tamblyn is being a snotty little brat. Rose McGowan has absolutely every right to be angry about this shallow so of support. When Weinstein (among others) was assaulting women and ruining their careers many of these women turned away wordlessly. They weren’t standing up for each other then. They certainly aren’t now. It’s all just another awards season accessory.
And Rose…that Marchesa burn nearly sent me to the hospital, girl!
The post Actresses Will Wear Black to Golden Globes to Protest the Men They Keep Taking Paychecks From appeared first on RedState.