
After New Round of Sanctions, Can There Be Mediation Between the U.S. and North Korea?

- Desember 26, 2017

Sure. What could go wrong?

Following the United Nations Security Council’s unanimous vote to impose new sanctions on North Korea, in response to another recent intercontinental ballistic missile test, it provoked the usual response from an unrepentant rogue nation.

They deemed the latest round of sanctions an “act of war,” on the level of a complete economic blockade.

Yeah. Your people are already starving. Maybe it’s time to think about them more than your nuclear ambitions?

Sorry. That was just me, wishful thinking.

In the midst of this, the Kremlin has offered up their services as mediators between North Korea and the United States.

From Reuters:

“Russia’s readiness to clear the way for de-escalation is obvious,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a phone call with reporters.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on Monday for Washington and Pyongyang to start negotiations, saying Russia was ready to facilitate such talks.

Interesting offer.

Russia and China are thought to have at least some influence on Jong Un, where the total of the United Nations seems unable to make even the slightest in-roads.

Russia, however, is not our friend (Do I need to keep reminding everyone?), so if the Kremlin is offering to step in as mediator, it would be wise to keep a healthy level of skepticism on hand. Whatever negotiations they might try to lead would be more for the benefit of North Korea, and more importantly, would ultimately benefit Russia.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has repeatedly stressed diplomacy, but has found his efforts squelched by President Trump’s tweets.

Trump reverted to grade school taunts of calling North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “little rocket man” – because, obviously, the same idiotic drivel that thrills Trump’s supporters goes over smashingly with the world outside of their MAGA bubble.

Jong Un, on the other hand, has suggested that Trump was old, dementia-stricken, and called him a “dotard,” causing the term to trend briefly on social media.

The definition for “dotard,” for those who were wondering, is a weak-minded, or foolish old person.

There’s been no word from the White House as to if they will accept the offer of the Kremlin to act as a go-between with North Korea.

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