Crooked Hillary Clinton continued to beg for money from her gullible followers going into Christmas weekend.
Most Americans are struggling financially after 8 years of Obama’s Socialist hell. Things are turning around, but the holidays are especially tough for families living paycheck to paycheck as they figure out how to fit a little Christmas shopping into their budgets.
Hillary is completely removed from the average struggling American being that she’s a government elitist who hasn’t worked a normal job in decades so she shamelessly begged for money going into the holiday weekend.
Hillary went on a tweetstorm pushing six radical, anti-American far left groups she financially backs.
Onward Together is ending 2017 by supporting six more incredible organizations fighting to protect voting rights and to make it easier for young, diverse candidates to get on the ballot and get elected.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
The organizers at @iVoteFund worked with partners on the ground to get automatic voter registration on the ballot in Nevada.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
Whites need not apply.
The team at @latinovictoryus is working to elect more Latino candidates at every level of government.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
Hillary supports a radical left-wing open borders-pro-illegal alien group.
More than 400 students and leaders met last month at the @votolatino Power Summit to share resources and tools for national advocacy.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
Hillary pushes a group which states they are building ‘black political power’. (Imagine if the group said they are building ‘white political power’)
And with the help of @collectivepac, 23 African-American candidates have been elected to local, state, and federal offices since August 2016.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
More radical groups Hillary is fundraising for:
Along with @IndivisibleTeam, @ColorOfChange, @EmergeAmerica, @swingleft, and @runforsomething, I know these groups will continue to do the incredible work of making our democracy stronger in 2018, and I’m proud to be on their team.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
Hillary ends her tweetstorm by promoting her organization ‘Onward Together’ begging for more money.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to Onward Together in our first year — we’re only able to support these great groups because of you. Let’s do even more in 2018. Onward!
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 22, 2017
Hillary Clinton did the same thing after the Senate passed Trump’s tax bill. She begged for money from her gullible sycophants as a way to fight the tax cuts. Makes sense.
All Hillary Clinton cares about is money and power. Truly disgusting.
The post Crooked Hillary Begs For Money Going Into Christmas Weekend appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.