
Crying Women Democrat Senators Hug Sex Assaulter Al Franken After He Heeds Their Call to Resign; ‘Big Hugs’

- Desember 07, 2017

If you as a woman truly believe a man is a creepy serial sex assaulter of women, do you get all misty-eyed and line up to tightly hug him when he resigns from the Senate following your demand he do so in the face of numerous accusations of sexual assault? If you are a Democrat woman senator, the answer is ‘yes’, even though several of the allegations involved Franken groping and forcing kisses during hugs. Franken was also photographed assaulting a woman in her sleep.

Capitol Hill reporters posted reports on their observations of how Franken was treated by his colleagues on the Senate floor following his unrepentant resignation speech in which he denied the accusations by women over which he was resigning.

The reporters noted many of the women Democrat senators who just yesterday demanded Franken resign for being a serial sex assaulter of women were crying and giving ‘big hugs’ to Franken after his speech. Named in the reports are Amy Klobuchar (MN), Claire McCaskill (MO), Tammy Duckworth (IL) and Maggie Hassan (NH).

Fortunately for these hypocritical Democratic woman senators, C-SPAN cameras are not allowed to film action on the Senate floor, nor are still photos allowed to be taken, so these corroborating reports by Hill reporters are all there likely is to document their hugs and tears for a man they believe sexually assaults women.

Featured image via ABC.

The post Crying Women Democrat Senators Hug Sex Assaulter Al Franken After He Heeds Their Call to Resign; ‘Big Hugs’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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