Guest post by Joe Hoft
There are many reasons why the entire Trump – Russia investigation is a farce. One major reason is the fact that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Former FBI Director James Comey have a relationship that taints the investigation. The fact that they met secretly before Comey’s testimony to Congress in June is enough evidence to contaminate the entire investigation. At the very least Mueller should have recused himself months ago.
Back in May after crooked Comey was fired by President Trump, Comey was asked to appear in front of Congress. Comey however, postponed his meeting with Congress because he wanted to meet with Special Counsel and best friend Robert Mueller before appearing in front of the Senate.
CNN reported in May that –
House oversight committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said Wednesday he had a “one-on-one” conversation with ousted FBI Director James Comey earlier this week, in which they discussed Comey’s looming public testimony.
“Mr. Comey did not want to come testify publicly because of the presence of a special counsel,” Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, told Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room.”The interview comes two days after Chaffetz announced he postponed his panel’s hearing related to the FBI’s independence scheduled for Wednesday.
Chaffetz tweeted about the delay –
Spoke with Comey. He wants to speak with Special Counsel prior to public testimony. Hearing Wed postponed. @GOPoversight
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) May 22, 2017
Comey met with best friend and dirty cop Mueller and then appeared before Congress. Comey’s testimony was the pinnacle moment where the deep state showed that they were out to remove President Trump from office. However, Comey’s testimony imploded as Judicial Watch reported –
On June 8, 2017, Comey gave testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in which he admitted: “I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter [for The New York Times]. I didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”
To date neither Comey or Mueller have declared what was shared at their secret meeting before the Senate Hearing. Judicial Watch requested what was share at this meeting but the information was not provided by the FBI or DOJ and so Judicial Watch had to sue to receive this information. In their report about their request, Judial Watch notes –
Judicial Watch also sent Acting FBI Director Andrew G. McCabe a warning letter concerning the FBI’s legal responsibility under the Federal Records Act (FRA) to recover records, including memos Comey subsequently leaked to the media, unlawfully removed from the Bureau by former Director James Comey.
“Mr. Comey may have violated the law in leaking these memos to the media,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It would be a scandal if Comey coordinated his Senate testimony with Mr. Mueller’s special counsel office. That we have had to sue in federal court speaks volumes.”
Mueller should have never accepted the job of special counsel due to his many conflicts of interest. He should have recused himself immediately after accepting the position. When he and Comey met secretly he should have resigned. Now he should be prosecuted for trying to overthrow duly elected President Trump and therefore the US government.
The post Dirty Cops Mueller and Comey Held Secret Meeting Before Comey Testified to Congress – For This Alone Mueller Should Resign! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.