
Ex-FBI Boss Explains Why Mueller ‘Has Huge Conflict of Interest,’ How Comey & McCabe ‘Committed Felony’

- Desember 04, 2017

Concern over the direction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe is reaching a feverish pitch after Michael Flynn’s guilty plea. Many are asking what Manafort and Flynn’s alleged crimes have anything to do with a probe centered around finding evidence of collusion between Trump officials and the Kremlin. The answer thus far is ‘absolutely nothing.’

How Mueller was ever selected as special counsel has former Assistant FBI Director Jim Kallstrom scratching his head. Mueller “has a huge conflict of interest,” argues Kallstrom.

Breitbart News reports:

The former assistant director of the FBI wonders who investigates the investigators in the wake of former Trump administration national security advisor Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI and agreeing to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

“Bob Mueller should have never been offered nor accepted the job as special counsel as he has a huge conflict of interest,” Jim Kallstrom tells Breitbart News. “He should have recused himself.”

Not only do observers describe Mueller and the man he recommended to replace him as FBI director, James Comey, as close or even best friends, but the special counsel pursues an investigation heavily involving the bureau he once led. How one maintains detachment in leading a team that includes numerous anti-Trump partisans in a probe involving one’s close friend and the former bureau for which Mueller served as director goes unexplained.

On the subject of the phony ‘Trump dossier,’ Kallstrom believes the FBI may have committed a felony by using evidence they believed was untrue.

“If they used the phony dossier as the predicate for the FISA order they obtained, that could be a huge problem.

“If they knew the information was phony, that is a felony. If they did not know it was phony, they were incompetent.”

Both Comey and McCabe led the FBI when a FISA order was granted to spy on Trump officials. They also helped procure the dossier.

“This whole matter with the dossier and the investigations that ensued, including FISA surveillance and the unmasking of hundreds of names, in my view, will prove to be violations of the rules set down by the Congress for unmasking, or worse, will be found to be violations of federal law,” Kallstrom told Breibart News

“The Justice Department should find out if the FBI paid for this phony dossier and should inspect the affidavit that was given to the FISA court to determine the accuracy of their probable cause,” Kallstrom concluded.

The post Ex-FBI Boss Explains Why Mueller ‘Has Huge Conflict of Interest,’ How Comey & McCabe ‘Committed Felony’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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