
Hah! Sarah Huckabee Sanders Mocks New York Times Crank Paul Krugman For ‘Worst Prediction of the Year’

- Desember 30, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders mocked New York Times’ Paul Krugman for making the ‘worst prediction of the year’. 

Only a left-wing crank like Paul Krugman can be consistently wrong time and time again and still have a job. Truly unbelievable.

On Friday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “Greatest story of the year: booming economy. Worst prediction for the year:” with a screenshot of Krugman’s prediction of a financial fallout due to a Trump presidential election victory in a New York Times article dated November 9th, 2016.

In Krugman’s NYT article, he arrogantly states:

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

Under any circumstances, putting an irresponsible, ignorant man who takes his advice from all the wrong people in charge of the nation with the world’s most important economy would be very bad news. What makes it especially bad right now, however, is the fundamentally fragile state much of the world is still in, eight years after the great financial crisis.

Hey Krugman, that “irresponsible, ignorant man” you speak of has broken one economic record after another this year.

TGP’s Joe Hoft previously reported, the Dow ended up again last week at another all-time high for the 70th time this year – breaking the record for the most all-time highs in a calendar year set in 1995.

At the bell the Dow closed at its highest closing amount ever at 24,792. Since last year’s election the Dow is up over 35%!

* The Dow has increased more that 6,400 points since the November 8th election a year ago when the Dow closed at 18,333. This is the largest point increase in this amount of time in Dow history. This has never happened in the more than 100 years in the Dow.

* President Trump’s stock market rally is historical! No President has seen more all time highs (70) in their first year in office than President Trump. No one has seen more all-time highs in a year ever.

Retailers are reporting record holiday sales this season of $598 billion as of Christmas Eve, fueled by confidence in the pro-business, pro-jobs economic polices of President Donald Trump of cutting Obama-era regulations and enacting major tax cuts and reforms. Yet media reports by CBS, AP and the Wall Street Journal all failed to mention President Trump in their reports on the record sales.

Since the Senate approved Trump’s tax bill 51-48 in a midnight showdown, we have already seen major economic wins in this country:

TRUMP EFFECT: Boeing Announces $300 Million Investment Initiative Thanks To GOP Tax Reform

TRUMP EFFECT: Fifth Third Bancorp Raises Minimum Hourly Wage, Issues Bonuses To Employees Due To GOP Tax Reform

TRUMPMAS: Comcast Announces $50 BILLION INVESTMENT Due To Historic GOP Tax Reform

And another one…

It has now become affordable for Apple to fulfill a longtime goal and repatriate $252B in cash that currently sits overseas. Via 9to5Mac.

To read an in depth report on Trump’s historic 1st year click here.

Who takes Paul Krugman seriously anymore? Reminder, he’s the same guy who falsely tweeted there was a cholera outbreak in Puerto Rico because of President Trump. (the viral tweet is STILL UP):

He then tweeted a correction that hardly anyone saw:

The post Hah! Sarah Huckabee Sanders Mocks New York Times Crank Paul Krugman For ‘Worst Prediction of the Year’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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