Following massive controversy surrounding Scientologist Joy Villa accusing Corey Lewandowski of sexual assault — former members are blasting the singer for not standing up against the abuse within the organization. They also spoke to the Gateway Pundit to debunk claims that she has publicly made about Christianity being compatible with Scientology.
After the allegations against Lewandowski were made public, Villa tweeted a portrait of herself from her campaign account along with an inspirational message to sexual assault survivors. It read, “To all survivors of #sexualassault its NOT your fault. It never was, it never will be. You are not to blame, they are. It doesnt matter if you were covered up or showing skin, drinking water or gin, if your famous or unknown. You deserve to be treated with utmost care & respect.”
To all survivors of #sexualassault its NOT your fault. It never was, it never will be. You are not to blame, they are. It doesnt matter if you were covered up or showing skin, drinking water or gin, if your famous or unknown. You deserve to be treated with utmost care & respect.
— BringJoytoCongress (@VoteJoyVilla) December 26, 2017
This message, coming from Villa, did not sit well with those who know the inner workings of Scientology — where they say women are treated as “second-class citizens.”
Melissa Paris, a former high-level member turned outspoken advocate against the organization, publicly blasted the singer.
“Does that include all of us Scientologists that were sexually abused in the cadet and sea org? I’m one of those survivors, as is @ChrissieBixler. So do you have our backs or does it not apply to us because you’re a scientologist?” Paris demanded to know, which lead to her being blocked by the potential Congressional candidate.
Does that include all of us Scientologists that were sexually abused in the cadet and sea org? I’m one of those survivors, as is @ChrissieBixler. So do you have our backs or does it not apply to us because you’re a scientologist?
— Melissa Paris (@1225paris) December 29, 2017
I promise you that she does not think it applies to @ChrissieBixler and l, or the many others like us. In fact, she has me blocked on her own twitter page so 🤨🤔🤷🏻♀️
— Melissa Paris (@1225paris) December 29, 2017
Chrissie Carnell-Bixler recently left the church after they attempted to hush sexual assault allegations she made against her ex-boyfriend, That 70’s Show star Danny Masterson, who is also a member. She was told by the church that she could not have been raped by the actor due to the fact that they were in a relationship. At least three other women have made similar accusations against him.
Carnell-Bixler recently recounted to the Daily Beast the reaction by Scientology when she went to them about what Masterson had done to her.
“Danny Masterson is a celebrity. He flourishes and prospers in life. You protect that and reward that,” she described a church ethics officer telling her in order to keep her quiet.
According to the organization’s ethics book, it is a “suppressive act” or high crime against Scientology to report another Scientologist to authorities.
Both Paris and Carnell-Bixler are now considered enemies, or “Suppressive persons,” by the organization for going public with what they endured.
This means that they are considered “fair game” and may even be injured, by any Scientologist — and are at great risk for sharing their stories with the world.
Villa, a member of the church of Scientology for seven years, has repeatedly claimed that she is Christian and that you can hold that religion while also being a Scientologist. She has explained that this works because Scientology is a philosophy, not a religion, and therefore the two do not interfere.
I don't know what your problem is but Im a Jesus believing Christian & I use Scientology tools to better my communication & life skills.
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa) October 11, 2017
When asked about her comments regarding Christianity, Villa told Los Angeles-based director Robby Starbuck that “the founder [of Scientology] stated in his writings and his ONLY television interview that Scientology is not faith based and any religion may use its tools and philosophy.”
“I know for a fact that you can’t be more than one religion, l was brought up in Scientology and my grandmother was a Christian. They wouldn’t allow her to talk to us about Christianity,” Paris told GWP.
Carnell-Bixler also shot down Villa’s claims as lies.
“There are church policies that talk about ‘acceptable truths.’ Most people who get into Scientology already belong to a faith, the faith they were raised. I was a Christian and a very strict believer in Christ. So in order for me to agree to do courses in Scientology, they explained that I could still be a Christian and also be a Scientologist. That’s all I needed to know to try it,” Carnell-Bixler said.
In his teachings, Hubbard states that “handling truth is a touchy business also. You don’t have to tell everything you know-that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one’s message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience.”
“Acceptable truths” according to former-member Mike Rinder, are “shore stories” used to conceal the truth from the media and public about scientology activities. They are used to make the scientologist seem relatable and likable to their audience.
Once you move up within the ranks of the organization, the teachings discuss how aliens implanted religion in the minds of the masses as a tool of control — and that Jesus was a pedophile. The former members explained to GWP that “Scientologists believe LRH is ‘the source’ and everything he has written is true and must be applied.”
In the Scientology teaching OT VIII, Part 2, which was provided to GWP by Paris, Hubbard wrote, “for those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure he has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical macbre PR.”
According to the former members, Villa may not have actually read this far into his teachings as it is reserved for those at the highest ranks. “LRH says if you red the OT levels before you’re ready you will die of pneumonia or cancer,” they explained. Scientologists will also not read anything negative about the church out of fear.
The former members stated that Scientologists can and will tell non-Scientologists that you can be any religion, but it is only to get you through the door.
Carnell-Bixler did not mince words when it came to Villa specifically — and her claims that she is both a Scientologist and a Christian.
“For the record, Joy Villa is a liar. She is 100% a scientologist. She’s definitely at least attained the state of Clear. This is a PR stunt by the church,” she said.
Paris also explained a policy that the organization holds called “safepointing” in which they attempt to gain influence within other structures and organizations to fulfill Scientology’s interests.
“They have a policy called ‘Safe Pointing’ which they do with local police departments. They did it with the Clintons. Bill Clinton helped Scientology in many many ways,” Paris stated. The Church of Scientology was granted their tax-exempt status during Bill Clinton’s presidency, which former members believe that he had aided them in obtaining.
“The dress was setting her up for this,” Paris said of Villa’s infamous MAGA gown that she wore to the Grammys. “Everything is done for a reason in Scientology.”
Safepointing is described by former member Tony Ortega as the policy to recruit influential community members not as Scientologists — but as allies, usually through one of the many Scientology front groups.
When asked by Starbuck if she would lobby for Scientology to maintain their tax-exempt status if she were to be elected, Villa stated that “Congress doesn’t lobby,” then said that she promises to “act in accordance with the law, and to represent the needs of my constituents and not any other firm, organization or group.”
However, she added that “every religion deserves their right to have IRS tax-exempt emperor status and to practice their faith in peace. I’m for religious freedom. For all religions, not just some.”
In November it was reported that President Trump stated that he does not believe Scientology should keep their tax-exempt status. Losing the exemption would reportedly cost the organization tens of millions of dollars.
This week, Trump made a big move against Scientology that is making some serious waves…
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) November 12, 2017
The following month, Villa announced that she was launching an exploratory committee to run for Congress in Florida.
“I believe they felt nervous about Trump and needed to safe point him immediately. In comes Joy Villa. She’s bad bad news,” Carnell-Bixler said.
The post INTERVIEW: Former Scientologists Speak Out Against Joy Villa, ‘She Lies!’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.