
New Bill Proposes Indianapolis Colts Refund Fans For Kneeling During National Anthem

- Desember 29, 2017

If Indiana lawmaker Milo Smith has his way, the Indianapolis Colts will be forced to refund every single fan offended by players who kneeled during the Nation Anthem. 

Indy Star reports:

An Indiana lawmaker is filing legislation that would require the Indianapolis Colts to offer fans refunds if Colts players kneel during the national anthem at home games.

Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, said his bill would allow fans who feel disrespected by the kneeling to ask for a refund during the first quarter. […]

Smith and his daughter were attending the Colts’ September game against the Cleveland Browns when a group of Colts players decided to kneel along with about 200 other NFL players across the country.

He was offended but stayed at the game.

“I’m pretty patriotic, and it didn’t sit right with me,” said Smith.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” Smith added.

“Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”

The team came under fire on October 8th when Vice-President Pence walked out of the Indianapolis Colts-San Francisco 49ers game after nearly two dozen 49ers kneeled during the National Anthem.

Pence had this to say after exiting Lucas Oil Stadium.

“I left today’s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem. At a time when so many Americans are inspiring our nation with their courage, resolve, and resilience…While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don’t think it’s too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem. I stand with @POTUS Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem.”

The post New Bill Proposes Indianapolis Colts Refund Fans For Kneeling During National Anthem appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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