Some Aflac employees are probably feeling pretty stoked, today, thanks to the recently signed GOP tax reform bill.
We’ve been hearing various stories about companies so psyched by the new tax bill that they’re passing it on to their employees (the AT&T $1,000 bonus to their employees was one example).
Aflac Incorporated (You know, the one with the duck) has announced that because of the tax bill, they’ll be increasing their retirement contributions to their employees’ 401(k) plans.
The insurance company said beginning next year, it will increase its 401(k) match from 50 percent to 100 percent on the first 4 percent of employee contributions and will also contribute $500 to each employee’s 401(k) plan.
Aflac also pledged to boost its investment in the U.S. by $250 million over the next three to five years by growing its U.S. operation and expanding benefits and training programs for workers.
There is no way to spin this as a bad thing.
And for those that are rolling in the floor, kicking and screaming, ripping at your skin because this new tax bill seems to benefit corporations more, let’s do a little exercise in reality.
This bill benefits corporations more.
Corporations are made up of a work force…aka…employees.
Said corporations are able to stay afloat, which benefits employees, because – they’re still employed and can feed their families.
These bonuses and added benefits are just gravy.
Along with AT&T, Fifth Third Bancorp has announced a one-time $1,000 bonus. Also, Fifth Third Bancorp and Wells Fargo have said that they will be raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour.
See, liberals? That’s how you get the minimum wage up. You put policies in place that make companies profitable, and then let those companies pass it on to the workforce.
The post Recently Signed GOP Tax Bill Results in More Fallout – of the Positive Kind appeared first on RedState.