
Students for Life High School Student Leader Assaulted by Far-Left Agitator (VIDEO)

- Desember 02, 2017

Saturday, a Students for Life leader and a few other peers were peacefully praying and counseling women outside of a Roanoke, Virginia, Planned Parenthood facility when one of them was assaulted due to her stance on abortion.

At around 8:30AM EST, Purity Thomas, a Students for Life of America high school fellow, and three pro-life group members from Liberty University were speaking to people in the park outside of the Roanoke Planned Parenthood facility in a public grassy area where the volunteers usually meet.

The students gather weekly and pray for and counsel women while also offering resources and various forms of support to mothers aside from abortion.

Witnesses reported that a woman confronted the group and began threatening them, claiming she would “f*ck them up”. In the video, which you can watch below, the young girl is approached and then assaulted:

The first encounter with the woman began when she stole one of the demonstrators’ signs, which read: “All people are made in the image of God” and following that incident, the students began filming the altercation. The woman left for a moment but returned with the intention of stealing another sign before assaulting a 15-year-old high school student, causing her to fall to the ground.

Police reports have been filed and the assailant has been spoken to.

Kristan Hawkins, the President of Students for Life of America, commented:

“This act of violence against a group of peaceful pro-life students who were outside a Planned Parenthood offering love and support to pregnant women serves as a sad reflection on the state of debate today. It’s horrific that a minor expressing love for pregnant women was targeted for violence. But this is not an isolated incident. Across the country we are witnessing a rise in the number of incidents of vandalism and violence against peaceful pro-life speech. Even the American Bar Association is demonizing pro-life speech, trying to block pro-life attorneys from taking a seat on the bench. We pray that the assailant from today’s attack is brought to justice swiftly. But we also pray for the protection of those who volunteer their time to speak for the innocent, preborn infants and their mothers.”

To send messages to Purity Thomas, who is currently in the hospital, follow this link here.

The post Students for Life High School Student Leader Assaulted by Far-Left Agitator (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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