
This Christmas, Don’t Forget There Is REAL Christian Persecution in the World (VIDEO)

- Desember 24, 2017

Franklin Graham continues to disappoint, by misrepresenting everything that has gone on in this nation, regarding religious freedoms and the false notion of a “war on Christmas.”

Where his father, the Reverend Billy Graham gave godly counsel to presidents, Franklin Graham is not following in the footsteps of his amazing dad.

Instead, Franklin Graham allows himself to be trotted out as a prop on state-run media, in order to sing the praises of a reprobate, ungodly man, and declare his glory over our nation, all for the purpose of keeping a lukewarm American church body on the hook.

In service to the Church of State, Graham gushed:

“I’m so excited that the president isn’t afraid to mention the name of Jesus Christ and that he boldly stands for not only Christ but all religious freedom, and it’s refreshing to have a president who’s just not afraid and doesn’t care what all the liberals think,” Graham said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends.”

Actually, those who stand for Christ are those who admit the need for God and their own, fallen state.

Trump publicly stated that he has no need of God and doesn’t bring God into his life. He talks about “the Christians,” and does not include himself in that group.

To stand for Christ is to admit a need for him, and to humble ourselves before the throne. Trump is not capable of that, and he only speaks of Jesus in political forums. Because Jesus is not a legitimate part of Trump’s life.

Graham went on to praise Trump for keeping a promise of allowing people to say “Merry Christmas” again.

Is it really a kept promise if nobody had stopped saying it, to begin with?

If I say today, “I promise that the sun will come up tomorrow! No more will you be plagued with sunless days!” and the sun rises tomorrow, did I keep a promise, or is that just something that was going to happen, to begin with?

According to the Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world’s population live in areas where there is unspeakable religious persecution. A great many of those people are Christians.

There are places where to own a Bible is a revolutionary act, punishable by death.

OpenDoorsUSA.org is an organization that monitors and fights Christian persecution around the world. They note that each month, 322 Christians are killed for their faith, 214 Christian churches or properties are destroyed, and 772 forms of violence are committed against Christians because of their faith.

They keep a watchlist of which areas are experiencing Christian persecution, from high, to very high, and finally, extreme persecution.

North Korea ranks as the top nation for persecution of Christians, with Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan rounding out the top 5.

On the map, each nation is color coded to represent the severity of the persecution.

Do you know what is not on the map?

The United States.

In fact, the listing is for the top 50 nations ranked for their persecution of Christians (#50 is Colombia), and the United States is not listed, at all.


Because there are Christians actually suffering for their faith, and their hope and sustenance is the glory of Jesus Christ, not the political ambitions of Donald Trump.

If an employer says, “Just say Happy Holidays,” that’s not persecution.

Trump claims the practice of saying “happy holidays” is a product of “political correctness.”

“He’s just going to do what he thinks is right and everybody just get out of his way,” Graham said.

Nice, godly attitude, there, Frank.

I’d love to air drop Trump, Franklin Graham, and Jerry Falwell Jr. into the middle of Syria (#6) or even Bangladesh (#26), and then have them go to some of the Christians fighting for their faith there, and tell them that once they can say, “Merry Christmas” again, their persecution is over.

For that matter, Trump’s pals in China (#39) should probably explain how they came to be on the list, as well.

Graham is now a part of the problem, and that problem is that America is led by lukewarm leaders, who have lost sight of the true meaning of faith.

Persecution has a face, and it has nothing to do with holiday platitudes.

And if this doesn’t move you…

The post This Christmas, Don’t Forget There Is REAL Christian Persecution in the World (VIDEO) appeared first on RedState.


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