
TYT’s Hasan Piker’s Blog Defends Revenge Porn, Glorifies ‘Tricking’ Models into Unprotected Sex

- Desember 29, 2017

The Gateway Pundit has discovered shockingly disturbing posts by the heartthrob of the Young Turks, Cenk Uygur’s nephew Hasan Piker. The posts include promoting prostitution, shaming people for not having unprotected sex with their partners — and supporting revenge porn.

As we have been covering here at the Gateway Pundit, the Young Turks have been attempting to scrub Piker’s pickup artist past as the “Brotip” off the internet.

In an August 2013 post by Piker titled “Pike at FIU Under Fire for Selling Each Other Drugs and Sharing Titties on Facebook” for his BroTip blog, the “youngest Turk” covered the case of Florida International University suspending the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity over a Facebook page that contained revenge porn.

Along with publishing censored versions of the revenge porn posts, Piker wrote, “It’s obvious that either an Ex-GF with a vengeance (and a facebook password) or an idiot brother who logged onto Facebook in the library caused this leak. To the non-greek world that is amazed at these revelations; (look up: Geeds) these leaks happen with the same frequency of student athletes getting in  trouble with the law. Most fraternities with leaked listserv’s will get a year long suspension, or get kicked off campus for a while and restart a couple years down to line.”

Piker went on to trash an unnamed source who spoke to the police about the photos, which were published without the women’s consent.

“Who the fuck is this ‘Greek Insider’?” Piker wrote. “Definitely a rival from FIJI or whoever the Pikes have beef with. Talking all this smack on the article while hiding behind anonymity, saying this fraternity isn’t representative of all other FIU fraternities. Obviously trying to cover his ass. Don’t tell me you don’t get girls to take Rush Boobs pics for recruitment. Unless he’s in like one of those co-ed fraternities or something.”

Piker then captioned one of the revenge porn photos as “Pictured: Probably the ex-gf who leaked the page.”

As we have previously revealed, Piker also has a habit of enjoying revenge porn in the Young Turks office infront of his female co-workers.

After many celebrities fell victim to a hacker and had their nude photos published online without their consent, the “Woke Bae” as he has been referred to by BuzzFeed tweeted a massive celebration.

“OMG I GOT TO SEE JENNIFER LAWRENCE NAKED,” Piker tweeted. “Nudies are only for the eyes of the intended delivery address and their close friends. Except for when icloud gets hacked. #CelebGate #JLaw”

“Co-workers looking at the leaked nudes from the hacking scandal while I judge them,” Kasparian wrote in a 2014 Instagram post.

In another post on the BroTip, Piker wrote about a man who was sued for giving his girlfriend herpes that he contracted during an affair. He also praised him as a “smooth talker” for “tricking” models into unprotected sex.

Piker wrote of the case, “William Lerner you dog,  you tricked half of NY into paying outrageous fees for letting their cars get banged up by a bunch of illegal attendants in tight ass parking lots, and now you’re tricking models into having unprotected sex with you. What a smooth talker this guy must be. Well maybe not the smoothest criminal if it took you months to finally have unprotected sex.”

Piker’s respect for women, especially those who excel in their fields, was also on display in an August 22, 2013 post about President and CEO of Yahoo! — Marissa Mayer.

“Her ability to make magic happen online and be a phenomenal CEO only makes Mayer like 11 times hotter and If I somehow had the opportunity to bone her, it would be magical yet somewhat disastrous because I would eventually have to die… From a tragic case of overdosing.. on high fives. Just look at that bitch-face. And that is why Marissa Mayer is our Babe of the Week!” Piker wrote. He also captioned a photo of her with, “I want to make babies with your face.”

As was previously reported by Got News, Piker has a long history of degrading powerful women — and Mayer appears to be a favorite.

On July 18th, 2012, two days after Yahoo’s historic decision to hire Mayer, their first female CEO, Piker wrote, “Yahoos biggest challenge isn’t that it’s shares went down 41% in the last 5 years, it’s that they have a female CEO.”

Just like his uncle Cenk, Piker also weighed in on prostitution on his old blog.

“So I know what most of you are thinking; ‘Ew prostitution Brofessor? That’s gross.’ Well I’m not  talking about the type of prostitution that they do in  Taken where suave French dudes smooth talk your tourist ass into sex slavery. What I mean is the nice legalized prostitution that they do out in Nevada, which is basically the same concept of a strip club, but like a million times better because it doesn’t leave you hanging with balls as blue and as big as a beluga whale so you can get an over the pants hand-job in the 500$ champagne room,” Piker wrote while discussing prostitution booths in Switzerland.

In another TYT video uncovered by the Gateway Pundit last week, Piker also instructed his viewers to essentially… “grab women by the pussy,” and to separate a woman you meet at the club from her friends so that they don’t try to protect her.

“You’re in the club, you finally use the five second rule — because you’re smart now because you follow Brotip — and you start talking to this girl which finally leads to hooking up and you’re bold enough to grab an ass cheek and then maybe even get some hand play downstairs,” Piker rambles. “What is the next move?! You need to get out of there and you need to get out of there fast — hopefully with the girl.”

Piker then proceeds to provide his viewers with the magic words to get laid, or as his uncle put it when he discussed how he picks up women, “trick them” into sleeping with you. “Let’s get out of here,” he says.

“It’s time to separate her from her herd — meaning her crowd of girlfriends that are going to do their best to cockblock you because they’re fat and lonely,” Piker states.

Earlier this week, following our report on Uygur’s history of pro-rape, sexist and racist commentary, the progressive icon issued an apology, blaming it on him being a young Republican at the time.

Uygur was over 30 at the time of the posts, which included referring to Native Americans as “Redskins” who are always looking to make a buck, stating that Japanese women will sleep with American men for a new purse, and stating that women are “genetically flawed” and “poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.”  

He and TYT co-founder Dave Koller were subsequently asked to resign from their roles at the Justice Democrats PAC.

A longtime friend of Uygur, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, told the Gateway Pundit, “Cenk has often spoke in the past about Has being his protege in the area of women. Has’ attitudes are a direct result of Cenk’s coaching from a young age. He used to brag about it.”

The post TYT’s Hasan Piker’s Blog Defends Revenge Porn, Glorifies ‘Tricking’ Models into Unprotected Sex appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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