An active shooter was falsely reported at Aventura Mall in Miami, Florida Saturday night.
“#AventuraPolice has determined that a shooting DID NOT take place at Aventura Mall. The scene is secure but traffic in the area is heavy,” tweeted the Aventura Police official account.
#AventuraPolice has determined that a shooting DID NOT take place at Aventura Mall. The scene is secure but traffic in the area is heavy.
— Aventura Police (@aventurapolice) December 24, 2017
Patch reports:
Aventura Mall was evacuated on Saturday night as police investigated reports of a shooting. Police said they were unable to substantiate the reports. The last weekend before Christmas is traditionally one of the busiest shopping times of the year.
“We received reports of shots fired at Aventura Mall,” Sgt. Chris Goranitis of the Aventura Police Department told Patch.
Aventura police asked people to avoid the area on Saturday night.
“There are no victims and there is no evidence of any shots being fired at this time,” he added. “This is a very active scene and multiple units are investigating at this time.”
“Panic,” hit the Macy’s mens section, tweeted Jacqueline Charles.
Panic at #Aventura Mall inside Macy’s men. @MiamiHerald
— Jacqueline Charles (@Jacquiecharles) December 24, 2017
Below is dramatic footage of people fleeing the mall.
HAPPENING NOW: Shoppers scatter after reports of shots fired at @AventuraMall. Multiple officers on the scene. Many people are tweeting from inside and tell us they’re hiding. @elibarcena shared this video with @nbc6. We are heading to the scene. Standby for continuous updates.
— Erika Glover 🎥 (@ErikaGloverNBC6) December 24, 2017
Breaking: Panic at Aventura Mall in Florida after reports of an active shooter
— PM Breaking News (@PMBreakingNews) December 24, 2017
Aventura Mall shooting 😓
— Alex Rodriguez (@alexrodrigueztv) December 24, 2017
Total pandemonium as police place scene on lockdown.
Evacuan centro comercial #AventuraMall tras un incidente "anomalo" reportado por la #policia de esa ciudad. Cientos de compradores desesperados buscan la salida de este sitio las autoridades recomiendan evitar la zona. #Miami #shooting #Usa #Florida #World
— Daniel Benitez (@danielbnews) December 24, 2017
The post UPDATE: False Active Shooter Report Causes Total Chaos At South Florida Mall (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.