In addition to killing literally millions of people and depriving more millions of health insurance, the GOP tax plan specifically targeted teachers. Why? Because the GOP is anti-education and targeting teachers was just a way of being mean to those noble people.
I can't stop thinking about how school teachers can no longer deduct the cost of their classroom supplies on their taxes…something they shouldn't have to pay for with their own money in the first place. I mean, imagine if nurses had to go buy their own syringes. #ugh
— Jenna Fischer (@jennafischer) December 23, 2017
Not that I really care about this.
— Kyle Reasbeck (@KyleReasbeck) December 23, 2017
But the larger point is the tweet, which has, at this writing, 53,000 retweets and 181,000 likes, is as fake as any story about a pedophile pizza parlor.
The final bill (now law) kept the deduction intact. This is one of the many ways fake news is spread
— Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) December 24, 2017
Correction: That deduction has been left alone. Whether teachers need pens and pencils or entire reams of Dunder Mifflin’s finest card stock, they can still deduct the cost as they could before.
And most will also get well-deserved tax cuts. #utpol
— Senator Hatch Office (@senorrinhatch) December 24, 2017
This is how #FakeNews is spread. The ability of Russian spam-bots to spread fake stories is limited and exists largely in the imagination of the #Resistance and Never-Trumpers. Real #FakeNews is spread by morons with a massive social media profile.
The post You Don’t Need Russia to Spread #FakeNews As Long As You Have Low IQ Hollywood Types appeared first on RedState.