
It’s Happening – Mitt Romney Edition

- Januari 15, 2018

In the least surprising news of the day, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is absolutely running for Orrin Hatch’s soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat.

A Romney friend has confirmed it.

Romney friend and business leader Ken Gardner told Utah Gov. Gary Herbert he had received a text message from Romney saying, “I’m running,” per a New York Times article published Sunday.

Romney has not publicly stated whether he will pursue the Senate seat held by Hatch for more than 40 years, but he did change his Twitter account earlier in 2018 to say he lives in Utah, not Massachusetts.

Because he’s running.

And chances are, he’ll win.

Romney is quite popular in Utah. He’s actually more popular than Trump, who has such a problem with Romney that he pressed RNC chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel to drop her family name (and she did).

Trump was also said to have pressed Hatch not to retire, but Hatch, who will be 84 in March, announced his retirement plans on January 2.

On January 3, he voiced his support of Mitt Romney, should Romney decide to run.

Despite Romney being an outspoken critic of President Trump, Trump reportedly phoned the 2012 Republican presidential nominee on Jan. 4 to encourage him to contest Hatch’s seat.

Yeah. You’d better start mending those fences now, Mr. President. You may have to deal with Senator Romney soon, and you haven’t always been a decent person to him.

The post It’s Happening – Mitt Romney Edition appeared first on RedState.


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