In December, German hacker Andy Müller-Maguhn provided the Washington Post with what is described as a “rare look inside the secretive world of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.”
Müller-Maguhn, a close confidant of Assange, with “roots,” of their relationship dating back to the 1980s, revealed what’s it like to work for the eccentric WikiLeaks founder.
Washington Post reports:
Former WikiLeaks supporters say the group is governed by Assange’s whims. “The way to think of it is always just chaos,” said one former WikiLeaks activist who spoke on the condition of anonymity to offer a frank opinion and avoid retribution from Assange. “There aren’t any systems. There aren’t any procedures — no formal roles, no working hours. It’s all just Julian and whatever he feels like.”
During the 2016 campaign, Assange put out word that he wanted material on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “He was kind of asking everybody, ‘Can we get something for the election?’ ” Müller-Maguhn recalls.
Assange signs off on all WikiLeaks publications but does not review everything that comes to the group. “For security reasons, he does not want that,” Müller-Maguhn says. Müller-Maguhn, though, is vague about WikiLeaks’ internal workings. […]
The only reliable way to contact Assange, he says, is through Direct Message on Twitter. […]
When he talks to visitors, Assange turns on a white noise generator in the embassy conference room to counter listening devices. Above the door, he points out a surveillance camera and indicates that sensitive messages should be communicated only via handwritten notes, shielding the text from the camera with a hand or notepad cover.
On July 3, 2016, Müller-Maguhn visited Assange at the embassy to celebrate Assange’s 45th birthday. Inside the brick building, Ecuadoran children, dressed in traditional garb, serenaded Assange with little guitars and pipe flutes.
According to public ledgers, WikiLeaks is in possession of bitcoin worth approximately $25 million.
Ecuador has granted Assange both diplomatic status and a passport for international travel. The move has prompted a frenzy of speculation concerning Assange’s potential future travel plans. Will the WikiLeaks founder soon leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the city of Quito? While it’s unclear what comes next for Assange, news organizations are doing whatever it takes — even offering bribes — for proof of his current whereabouts.
Infowars reports:
Qualified intelligence sources have informed that international news organizations in London have been bribing without success employees of the Ecuadorian Embassy to get a photograph of Assange that would prove he is still in the embassy.
Assange recently tweeted a photo of himself donning the official Ecuadorian Marathon FEF soccer team jersey.
— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) January 10, 2018
After Assange was granted Ecuadorian citizenship, the WikiLeaks founder tweeted out a picture of a “safe white king” chess match.
The position is from the famous 1918 chess match, in which Cuban chess master José Raúl Capablanca defeated U.S. champion Frank Marshall using a pawn.
— Julian Assange ⌛ (@JulianAssange) January 13, 2018
According to chess enthusiast Bruce King, the position depicted in Assange’s tweet is “one of the greatest defensive games of all time, from one of the greatest players, refuting the deadly Marshall Gambit.”
This position is from Capablanca (Cuban, World Champion) vs. Marshall (US Champion) in 1918:
It's one of the greatest defensive games of all time, from one of the greatest players, refuting the deadly Marshall Gambit.
Meaning?— Bruce King (@CrowdvBank) January 13, 2018
The post Julian Assange Confidant Offers Rare Glimpse Into the ‘Secretive World’ of WikiLeaks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.