
Last Night Some Rich People Put On Black Clothes and Changed Nothing

- Januari 09, 2018

There are times when I wonder if I’m maybe too hard on Hollywood, but then last night’s Golden Globes confirmed all of my biases against the glitterati.

The award ceremony was not just another back patting circle of celebs. This time they all decided to wear black to symbolize how they’re bravely standing up to sexual harassment. They even all wore pins on their clothes that read “times up.” It was all an effort to show the world that Hollywood was entering a new age where women weren’t abused, and men were more responsible.

And then it devolved into a leftist talking point fueled commentary that showed the walls of the Hollywood bubble that many of these poor souls are trapped in remain strong and unbreakable.

The examples were plenty. How often were the cameras focused on Meryl Streep? Streep was labeled as one of the primary figures in Hollywood who knew about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct and said nothing. Streep denies she knew much, but it’s hard to take her seriously when Streep was the one calling Weinstein a God, and literally giving standing ovations to men guilty of pedophilia and rape. Yet there Streep was, clad in black, clapping alongside everyone else whenever someone belched out an applause line.

How many more black-clad people in that room knew and said nothing? If it was an “open secret” like we were told, then how many people knew the secret and stayed quiet, and are only now “bravely” putting on clothing and buttons, and smiling at cameras while they regurgitate phrases about how times are a changin’?

What’s more, everyone laughed, clapped, and booed at Seth Myers’ deconstruction of Weinstein and Kevin Spacey in a try-hard attempt to show the world that whoever was in this room wasn’t like all those people being named, yet they celebrated the film “Call Me By Your Name,” which features a gay relationship between a grown man and a teen boy. I’ve been given all sorts of excuses as to why this is okay when I’ve discussed this before, everything from “it’s legal in France where the story takes place” to age of consent explanations, but no matter what excuse you throw at it, the film and its celebration is the very thing that we outside the bubble are disgusted by.

The film may have been beautifully acted, the score impeccable, the filmography clever. But you still have a film where a grown man is having sex with a teen boy while you bash another man for doing the same, and that’s WHILE you applaud directors currently on the run for pedophilia. Encouraging the behavior while you condemn it is not helping.

Let’s not forget about Connie Britton’s “poverty is sexist” sweater. Hilariously the sweater was discovered to cost $380, making you wonder if perhaps Britton’s money could have been better spent helping the impoverished than virtue signaling in front of cameras. But far less funny is the fact that the vast majority of homeless people are men. Are there poor women? Absolutely, but they are helped out far more than the men are, as one formerly homeless man revealed when the topic came up on Reddit’s men’s rights subreddit.

“I’ve been homeless. 8 years of it. This is bullsh*t. I’d say 10% are female. Don’t even get me started on the inequality of it. Women get to come and go at the shelter. Men are herded like cattle. A woman goes in and asks for a job they get career training, good references and a foot in the door. A man asks for a job they get put on a list of maybe 50-100 guys for maybe 20 jobs a day that pay $10 per hour for hard labor.”

So Britton is right. Poverty is sexist, but likely not in the way she’d buy a $380 sweater for.

Speaking of sexism, when a woman went up on stage to talk about sexism in Hollywood, she could take her time. However, when Guillermo Del Toro wanted to take a moment to thank the people who brought him to this moment that was 25 years in the making, they couldn’t play that wrap-it-up music fast enough. The same happened to arguably the best actor alive today, Gary Oldman, while he was trying to thank everyone for his film, including Winston Churchill.

Push the narrative and you can speak as long as you want. Talk about stage and screen, the real reason you’re there, and you need to make it quick.

It wasn’t a night for celebrating the arts. It was a night of public relations repair, but for all the virtue signaling, black dress wearing, slogan trumpeting that occurred…what changed?

I find it hilarious that many in the glitterati condemn the idea of “thoughts and prayers” when a shooting happens as some asinine thing to say in the face of atrocious bloodshed. Yet when the assault of women happens within their own ranks, “wear black because time’s up” is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. How many actually did anything?

I’m sure there are many in Hollywood who mean well and have a superb character. However, these people are celebrating the fall of giants among them, who wronged countless among them, yet they said nothing. They are celebrating as if they themselves ripped back the curtain, and are triumphantly taking a stand against the very people they had hitherto been silent about.

These actors are acting in the way they believe the public wants them to. It’s why despite the pageantry and pomp it all seems so hollow. It all seems so fake. Beneath the glitter and the glamour lies the cold truth that this is still a place of intolerance, sexism, and ideological purity.

That is why nothing in Hollywood will change. The bubble remains strong.

Until they break the bubble, not one of these people will change their lives in any meaningful way. Nothing will change.

The post Last Night Some Rich People Put On Black Clothes and Changed Nothing appeared first on RedState.


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