
POLL: Who’s to Blame if the Government Shutdown Happens?

- Januari 20, 2018

As always happens in Washington, a lot of the political strategy guiding the actions of the Republicans and Democrats regarding the possibility of a government shutdown tonight is driven by who they think will get the blame.

Would voters blame President Donald Trump, for sending conflicting messages about what kind of DACA bill he would support? Republicans, because they control both houses of Congress? Or Democrats, because they’re using the filibuster threat against a bill that they otherwise support?

A new CNN poll, released during Anderson Cooper 360° tonight, shows that the answer is…everyone.

The poll, which CNN conducted from January 14 to January 18 has a margin of error of +/- 3.7%. When asked who is most responsible for the government shutdown, the responses were:

President Trump: 21%
Republicans in Congress: 26%
Democrats in Congress: 31%
All of them: 10%

This follows another CNN poll this week, which we reported on earlier, showing a strong preference for avoiding a government shutdown (56%) over continuing DACA (34%).

Less than four hours until the deadline…

Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker

The post POLL: Who’s to Blame if the Government Shutdown Happens? appeared first on RedState.


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