
President Trump Unleashes Fury on FBI Agent Peter Strzok – Accuses Strzok of Treason!

- Januari 12, 2018


President Trump accused FBI agent Peter Strzok of treason in an interview with the Wall Street Journal Thursday.

Peter Strzok was caught discussing an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory with his mistress lawyer Lisa Page. The two were subsequently removed from the Mueller investigation.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Trump, unprompted, labeled as “treason” a text message written by Peter Strzok, an agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who was removed in July as a top investigator on the special counsel’s team investigating whether Russia colluded with associates of Mr. Trump to influence the 2016 presidential election.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Democrat Hillary Clinton ] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy. We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office,” said Mr. Trump, giving his interpretation of Mr. Strzok’s text message.

“This is the FBI we’re talking about—that is treason,” the president said. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”

Strzok’s lawyer, Aitan Goelman responded to Trump’s accusation he committed treason, “It is beyond reckless for the president of the United States to accuse Pete Strzok, a man who has devoted his entire adult life to defending this country, of treason. It should surprise no one that the president has both the facts and the law wrong.” WSJ reported.

Peter Strzok sent the following text message to Bureau lawyer Lisa Page during the 2016 presidential election, “I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy’s office-that there’s no way he gets elected-but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.It’s like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you’re 40.”

The kicker? This discussion took place in FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s office.

Treason as defined by Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1 of the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The post President Trump Unleashes Fury on FBI Agent Peter Strzok – Accuses Strzok of Treason! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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