
REPORT: DNC Disarray Continues As Chair Tom Perez, Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Battle It Out In “Explosive Fights”

- Januari 17, 2018

Despite the Democratic National Committee’s best efforts, the Party apparatchik is still having trouble defining what it stands for in the Trump era. According to reports, DNC head Tom Perez and Deputy Chair Keith Ellison are deeply at odds, as Clinton and Sanders factions continue to pull the party in opposite directions.

Washington Free Beacon reports:

The DNC is plagued with in-fighting between the lingering pro-Hillary Clinton and pro-Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) factions left over from the 2016 presidential campaign, Politico reported Tuesday. One of the sticking points is Sanders’ ongoing refusal to hand over his sizable voter data from the primaries.

“Neither side is satisfied, and words like ‘crazy,’ ‘still doesn’t get it,’ and, in one case, ‘Judas’ are tossed around to describe people in the opposite camp,” Politico reported.

The tension has boiled over to even the highest levels of the party, between Clinton ally Perez and Sanders ally Ellison.

“The relationship between Perez and [Ellison], the former rival whom Perez named deputy chair in an attempt to ease tribal infighting, remains chilly, with periodic explosive fights over party strategy and appointments,” Politico noted.

Signs that the DNC was having troubling uniting were visible early into Perez’s tenure as Party boss.

Last year, the Republican Party released a video mocking the DNC’s “Unity Tour.”

As The Gateway Pundit‘s Cristina Laila reported last February, the Democratic National Committee Chair race came down to two front runners, Tom Perez and Keith Ellison. Democrat and former Secretary of Labor to Obama, Tom Perez won with a 235 to 200 vote. Keith Ellison drew a lot of criticism even from his own party for being an anti-Semitic Muslim with ties to Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

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