Fan outrage over the sudden cancellation of Tim Allen’s “Last Man Standing” is still fresh in a lot of minds. Being one of the few non-news shows on television with a right-leaning perspective — you only need one hand to count the rest — many cried foul upon the announcement that it was being taken off the air.
ABC, the network that carried the show, claimed it was going to make money for Disney since production was being handled by 20th Century Fox. However, Allen and many others believed it had everything to do with its pro-conservative messages. Seeing as how “Last Man Standing” was doing well in the ratings, especially after six years, the theory seemed highly plausible.
But it was announced recently that the Roseanne reboot would feature main characters that were actually Trump supporters. While the cast will express a diverse range of political opinions, Republican will be the Conner household’s primary voting block.
“I said, and I’ll say it again… I have always attempted to portray a realistic portrait of the American people and of working class, you know working-class people. And, in fact, it was working class people who elected Trump,” said show’s lead Roseanne Barr according to Fox News.
“So I felt that, yeah, that was very real, and something that needed to be discussed. And especially about polarization in the family, and people actually hating other people for the way they voted, which I feel is not American. And so I wanted to bring it right down the middle, and we did,” she added.
However, as Fox News reported, the announcement did not go down well with some Last Man Standing fans who feel Allen got shafted.
Love @therealroseanne can't wait to watch but I truly do miss #lastmanstanding @ofctimallen It was a show my whole family enjoyed. I hope this will be the same. But can you please back last man standing @ABCNetwork
— LeAnne Sergeant (@LuvLee502) January 9, 2018
Nice idea but look where it got @ofctimallen #lastmanstanding. I'm still missing that show
— deb (@momisaredsphan) January 9, 2018
Because that worked out so well for #TimAllen with #LastManStanding.
— ChiefMuteSpecialist (@Judy_Taya) January 9, 2018
Tim Allen tried that and got cancelled. #lastmanstanding
— Rebecca Fiala (@rebgrace1) January 9, 2018
Wait till it's CANCELED for having GREAT RATINGS. That'll be a fun narrative. #lastmanstanding
— Just Sayin' (@JustSayin_Yo) January 9, 2018
Despite the outrage from Last Man Standing fans, they may have something to look forward to in “Roseanne.” Barr herself is an actual Trump voter in real life who has proven to be fiery about pro-conservative issues such as defending Israel.
“I think it was time for us, as a country, to shake things up and try something different,” said Barr on voting for Trump.
“He says a lot of crazy s— but I mean… I’m not a Trump apologist. There are a lot of things he has said and done that I don’t agree with,” she said according to Fox News. “It’s always the lesser of two evils and we always have to face our own conscience of how we deal with that.”
If Barr’s reboot does indeed tackle conservative perspectives with likability and reason, she’ll probably have a hit show on her hands…again. If the writing is anything as good as “Last Man Standing,” then “Roseanne” will be further exploring a path Allen uncovered and trail-blazed, and hopefully encourage the mainstream media at large to create more of.
However, it will always be tragic for Allen who had his show canceled for the wrong reasons…unless he gets a reboot too.
The post “Roseanne” Reboot to Pick Up Tim Allen’s “Last Man Standing” Torch With Conservative Main Characters appeared first on RedState.