
Tech Giants Take Out Another Prominent Conservative Site=> Right Wing News to Shut Down

- Januari 17, 2018

While the American public slept — Tech giants just took down another prominent conservative website.

When I first heard of web blogs back in 2004 Right Wing News was the first conservative website I went to. I found Right Wing News after a quick Google search. I have known John Hawkins from Right Wing News for several years and consider him a friend.

Right Wing News grew to an enormous website in the past few years thanks its popularity on Facebook. In July of 2015, in just a week, the Right Wing News Facebook page reached 133 million people. Because conservatives were sharing content they were interested in, Right Wing News (with 3.6 million Facebook likes ) was driving the same amount of web traffic as some of the biggest newspapers in America.

But since the 2016 election Facebook, Twitter and Google began targeting conservative websites.

John Hawkins announced he was shutting down Right Wing News last week.

Here is his story from Townhall:

Today, as you read this, my website Right Wing News is shutting down operations. It has been around since 2001, but became massive a few years ago because of Facebook.

Remember the mainstream media liberals going out of their minds because the Russians reached almost 150 million people with their $100,000 Facebook ad buy? In July of 2015, in just a week, the Right Wing News Facebook page reached 133 million people. Because conservatives were sharing content they were interested in, little ol’ Right Wing News (well, I guess nearly 3.6 million Facebook likes isn’t so little) was driving the same amount of web traffic as some of the biggest newspapers in America. Barack Obama’s Facebook page was 36 times bigger than our page; yet we had 7 times as many people talking about our content.

Ironically, that’s a big part of what killed the website.

You see, what Facebook giveth, Facebook can take away. So, why would Facebook want to kill extremely successful Facebook pages that its users enjoyed?

One of the reasons goes back to something I told multiple reporters during the 2016 election. I believe that all of the thriving right wing Facebook pages activated large numbers of what I like to think of as “instinctive conservatives.” You know, the sort of people who love God, guns and America, but who don’t follow politics day to day, read National Review or consume any of Milton Friedman’s books. From what I could see on Facebook, that group of people LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Donald Trump and I believe they were responsible for getting him the GOP nomination and probably even got him over the hump in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. I think the liberals that run Facebook came to that same conclusion.

Read the rest here.

This is horrible news and most Americans will never hear about it.

Most Americans have no idea this is happening to conservative websites.

The Gateway Pundit was the fourth most influential conservative news source during the 2016 election according to a study by Harvard University and another study at Columbia Journalism Review.

Since that time we have also been under constant attack. Our social media traffic has taken a hit while our organic numbers continue to grow. We are regularly the target of left-wing websites.

We are currently working in our capacity to confront this bias.
We will have more announcements in the coming days.

The post Tech Giants Take Out Another Prominent Conservative Site=> Right Wing News to Shut Down appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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