
Video=> President Trump Speaks to Press in West Palm Beach: ‘I’m Not a Racist’

- Januari 15, 2018

President Donald Trump spoke to reporters Sunday evening at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy accompanied Trump for a dinner meeting at the club, but stayed silent as Trump spoke to the press. Trump answered questions about DACA and the Democrats, the alleged ‘s***hole countries’ remark, the chance of a government shutdown, the Hawaii ballistic missile false warning scare, North Korea, the Wall Street Journal and DACA and the Democrats again.

Many reporters and news outlets posted about this reply by Trump, “No No I’m not a racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. That I can tell you.”

White House video.

Excerpts of Trump’s remarks via the pool reporter were posted to Twitter.

White House photo by Dan Scavino, Jr.

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