
ACT For America Website Hacked by ‘Anonymous’ for Being Critical of Islam

- Februari 26, 2018

The website for the grassroots national security advocacy organization ACT for America was hacked on Sunday for being in favor of Western culture and critical of Islam.

The hackers had taken over the ‘shop’ subdomain of ActForAmerica.org and defaced it with their Twitter handles, a cheesy Anonymous image and the hashtag #OpDomesticTerrorism.

Users who visited the page were instructed to enter the password “FuckNazis” which would send them to another page containing messages such as “Good Night White Pride” and “Do Not Tolerate White Supremacist Domestic Terrorism.”

When contacted by the Anarchist website Unicorn Riot, the hacker admit that the organization was targeted for their critical stances on Islam — and threatened to target more organizations that do not share their political beliefs.

“We decided to target them for their anti-Muslim views which their organization is widely know for. #OpDomesticTerrorism is actively targeting any/all organizations who actively promote hate speech and white supremacist terrorism, which we believe is crucial at a time where @realDonaldTrump is in office,” the terrorist hacker ironically stated.

ACT For America previously organized a March Against Sharia and America First rallies and considers themselves to be the “NRA of national security,” with over 750,000 members.

To date, ACT for America has successfully helped pass 84 national security-related bills in 32 states. Bills they have worked on include Andy’s Law, which authorizes the seizure of a terrorist’s assets and empowers law enforcement to prevent terrorists or attempted terrorists from keeping their assets, and bills in multiple states to stop female genital mutilation.

The post ACT For America Website Hacked by ‘Anonymous’ for Being Critical of Islam appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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