
THAT WAS QUICK: Schumer Balks on Immigration Talks – Says Democrats will only Discuss DACA Amnesty and Border Security (Video)

- Februari 14, 2018

Schumer and Democrats balk at immigration talks in Senate.

The US Senate voted 97-1 to open debate on immigration on Monday.

President Trump issued for requirements for legislation he would support. Trump’s immigration proposal would increase visas for skilled immigrants, end chain immigration by limiting family visas to spouses and minor children, end the lottery and establish a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers.

By Monday night Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer already balked at the Republican deal.

Schumer wants to only discuss amnesty for DACA illegal aliens and border security. Democrats are against the Trump wall and support open borders. Trump laid out his requirements for an acceptable product already.

The post THAT WAS QUICK: Schumer Balks on Immigration Talks – Says Democrats will only Discuss DACA Amnesty and Border Security (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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