Media was set ablaze after the House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.
The Deep State and Dems are in a panic as the world sees the FBI was weaponized to target Trump’s political campaign.
Tom Fitton wasted no time in attacking the Deep State and Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation after the FISA memo revealed McCabe confirmed the FISA court would never have issued a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s camp but not for the phony, Hillary-funded dossier.
“The really devastating blow it strikes at the Mueller investigation,” Fitton began.
“When you have the Obama DOJ take their best shot with the FISA court and their best shot is a Clinton campaign document to run the narrative that there was Russian collusion, requiring surveillance of a Trump campaign official or volunteer and it turns out there was nothing else really there but for the dossier paid for by Clinton and DNC funds, then that means there is no Mueller investigation without the dossier paid for by Clinton and DNC funds so the whole thing is subject to being called off now by the Justice Department if they are brave enough,” Fitton argued.
Tom Fitton became furious as he went through bullet points outlining the corruption in the top brass of the FBI and DOJ.
When did Wray know? When and what did Mueller know? Fitton asked
Fox News played a clip of House Speaker Paul Ryan claiming the memo does not impugn the Mueller investigation or the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (even though the memo reveals Rosenstein mislead the FISA court). Brilliant.
Fitton unleashed on House Speaker Paul Ryan and the establishment politicians in DC protecting the Mueller investigation.
Tom Fitton called for the FISA applications to be declassified and said Judicial Watch plans on suing for the underlying records.
Shortly after Fitton’s appearance on Fox News, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the DOJ for the FBI documents regarding the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant application submitted to – and responses from – the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to alleged collusion between Russia and Trump campaign associates (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00245)).
.@TomFitton: “There’s no Mueller investigation without the dossier paid for by Clinton and @DNC funds – so the whole thing is subject to really, I think, being called off now by @TheJusticeDept, if they’re brave enough.” #MemoDay
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 2, 2018
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