Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro has long been a guy who has had the ire of the transgender community for his very blunt and factual way of speaking out about it. So much so that he was threatened with physical harm live on air by transgender man (identifying as a woman) Bob Tur, who now goes by Zoey Tur.
It’s often a subject he’s confronted with, and was so again during his Q&A segment at Susquehanna University. This time, the questioner was the president of the University’s College Democrats himself (xerself?), who attempted to confront Shapiro about a study that claimed transgendered individuals who underwent sex change operations were not subject to increased chances of suicide.
Just to give you a heads up, trans individuals who undergo the surgery are 19 times more likely to kill themselves post-op.
According to the college’s Democrat group president, he found a study that showed the surgery actually lowered it.
“Well, during your speech I pulled up a study on my phone as well as a bevy of other studies, looking at research from the Karolinska Institute, from Berlin scientists that actually seems to suggest, specifically the Berlin study, that suicide attempt rates drop from 26% to 3% in post-op,” he said.
But Shapiro pointed out a massive flaw in the study according to Daily Wire:
Right. So I’ve seen that study also. One of the problems with that particular study is that it’s not longitudinal. That study is only about, like one year after the surgery. What the statistics tend to show, at least according to scientists on the other side, is that you have to wait ten years to find out whether the surgery “takes” or not, essentially, that there is an adjustment period, that of course you’re really enthused in the year after you get a surgery that you feel you’ve been needing your entire life, but there’s a readjustment period that happens. So, for example, here’s another longitudinal; study; it’s a Cohort study from Sweden. It was released in 2011; it covered sex reassignment surgeries from 1973 to 2003, so it was a thirty-year longitudinal study, and it found that transgender surgery recipients were still nineteen times more likely to die by suicide than the general population, and it found that “sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism.” As I say, there is mixed data; I’m not saying those studies don’t exist; I’m saying I do find severe flaws in some of the studies that are cited. A lot of them are cited due to small sample size or not enough time in the longitudinal.
Tl;Dr: The study the college Democrat president cited only covered the reactions to the surgery for a short time frame afterward.
To put it into perspective, it’s like asking someone who got a new car how much they like it. They’re going to be pretty loving toward their brand new vehicle with all its new bells and whistles, and engine health. However, the car may start to wear and tear worse than others after a short time, and soon you may find the owner not as happy as he was when he got it originally.
A transgendered individual who gets the sex change surgery may love their new body at first, but they still haven’t solved the problem that drove them there in the first place. The transsexualism that plagues them is still wearing on them, and the surgery typically worsens them for the wear.
Shapiro continues to the conversation by also correcting the assumption that self-reported studies are also flawed, and not very trustworthy. Watch below.
The facts remain that transgenderism, despite its modern day hype, is still a disorder that carries with it an incredibly high suicide rate of
over 40 percent.
It would be wiser as a society to attempt to find a way to help people who suffer from gender dysphoria, than encourage them to indulge in a mental health problem that has a high chances of killing them.
The post Ben Shapiro Wrecks a Study that Tries to Prove Sex Change Surgery Doesn’t Increase Chances of Suicide appeared first on RedState.